Cheap gaffs.


Mar 24, 2006
My how the tide has turned!!
I don't really climb enough to justifiy a "good" set right now. But I have a couple of jobs comming up that they would be SUPER nice to have! I would like to know what is a decent set of gaffs for a newly po' man?
Andy, Send me your address. Do you have a preference betwixt short and long gaffs? (Personally I prefer short.)
The operative word was CHEAP!!! I just bought a pair of brand new Buckinghams on eBay for $40. :D I needed to replace the pair that "walked off" on their own. :X
CARBON gecks.......worth every dang penny

I have an old pair of buck, with tired super wrap pads if your interested.
If I were going to make a living of climbing a pole/tree I would have a good set of hooks .It's too late in life for that stuff where I'm concerned .

I have an old set of Bashlins 1 3/4" that I've had for 30 years .The danged things are steel ,none adjustable and kill your legs after an hour or so .

That said ,pony up the money and get a good set or the Charley horses will roust your tired butt out of a sound sleep at 3 in the morning .I know,believe me I know .
Check over at the Buzz "Tree Bay" There's some good deals to be had there.

My Buckinghams with the aluminum cadddies I bought for $45 from a fellow that drove by the job site one day. My first set were "Brooks" given to me by a PG&E lineman that switched over to "Klines"

If you know anybody that works for the phone company you can probably get a set given to ya. Those linemen have gaffs laying around everywhere.
That is true about the phone co. , I got a set of pole spikes in near new condition for fifty bucks from an ex-lineman er linewomen....
Many many years ago I got my first set of gaffs from a pawn shop. Aluminum with velcro wrap pads and a lineman's belt for $100. For a kid mowing lawns for a living it was the beginning of a new career. 8)
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Justin, I honestly don't have any idea!! I've never hooked a tree before, so I have no idea what works better!!
The main reason I want a set is for pine tree removals if that helps?
And I have half of a large Elm to remove as soon as my butt is up to it.

I've watched e-bay lately and the going rate seems to be $150 for used Bucks, not that much more and you have a new pair IMO!

The Gecks look nice but :\: Thats a whole lotta firewood and climbing to foot that bill!
wesspur got kleins complete with their wonderful L pads $193.00. but for $255.00 u got a velcro wrap that since u never stuck a tree is gonna be cadillac for u after, somebody pours ur ass in a 5 gallon bucket and takes u to the truck after every tree for a couple weeks or so!!! dont take that the wrong way, gaffs work different parts of u. "builds character" as the old man would say
I'll check with a line man for PG&E I know and see if he can get a pair on the cheap... Got mine for 80 bucks starting out with extra spurs, including tree spurs and pole spurs... I'll call him tomorrow. Think I got a pair of Bashlin with pads and said spurs before (aluminum).
redneck i hope my words were not taken in the wrong way. i was just trying to convey to u, that time in my life. i was 22 and i barely made it to the first limb. right then my dad said "this will make u son, but i can see it breaking u too. u aint smart enough to quit. if ur gonna be dumb boy u gotta be tough" here i am 38 and getting soft. i hope u understand that i'm sincere about cuttin trees but even more the heart it takes to do it. nothing more but never less
it can and will, brother. never get too comfortable in a tree or in ur bed. u take it for granted and the old man will take it for a laugh
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I am scared now!!!

Speaking of which, I have another dillema now, I have a VERY god idea what the answer is, but I have to ask.............

Big Osage tree hanging on a house, the owner wants it off the house, ok, I tel him no problem. I go look, the tree grows up then crotches about eight feet and vee's out. One side over the neighbors, the other on his side, then there is the branch I need to prune. Prolem comes from the utility lines running down the middle of the fist big crotch. Not anything I should get into and all of my work would be below that, BUT.......................

And the drop would be cool, but they would have to take half the tree and several others would need MAJOR trimming for that to be possible. And these are BEAUTIFUL mature trees in an area of town that requires a perit with the "Historical society" for removal. So, do you walk, or go for it?