Bagworm pix

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Aug 27, 2006
Central Kentucky
Been picking them a half a gallon ziplock full, will do more tomorrow.

I've never seen them at this stage....alive and active. The green needles stuck on their 'house' gave them away.

From what I understand, you can use Bt, Sevin, etc. on them if caught early, but at this stage it's better to hand pick them if possible.


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Stir fried with bell peppers?
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Not me. For some reason, I'm finding it hard to enjoy these bugs. They seem like they should be on the big Drive-In screen with English subtitles attacking a city or something.
Is anyone getting hit still with the Gypsy moths?

They were so bad back around 94 that when you drove back forest roads, there would be millions just crossing the road - making a constant popping sound as you drove along...

I haven't seen any here in Fla. In fact, I'm not sure what doing down here yet. I'm still a fairly new transplant... Brett? What are you seeing???
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BtK works well for most caterpillers in their feeding stage. :)

I've used Bt on cabbage loopers (sp?) in broccoli....worked GREAT! For some reason, I was lumping Bt with the other insecticides that would need contact to kill....but Bt just has to be ingested (right?) It certainly wouldn't hurt to go ahead and spray the tree as a backup. I've seen some of the smaller bags as well, so maybe there are still some in the 'hungry' rather than the 'I'm stuffed and ready for my winter nap' stage.

Used to be that Bt was only available via you can go to Lowes and pick it up.

Thanks Paul.
BtK is an insecticide that killls caterpillers only. it gives them somethin akin to a stomach flu. They eat a bit of leaves with BtK on them, get ill, stop eating and die a few days later. There is also BtI for mosquitos ;)
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I'll have to see what is available locally....I assumed it was all just Bt (Bacillus thuring-something-or-other).

I really liked the fact that I didn't feel like I was POISONING myself when I was spraying it on things I was going to eat. Did smell a bit funky though.
Here local we don't have that kinda of bagworm, ours are the Tent Catapillers in decedious trees. They like fruit or nutty trees (like pecan) but they'll settle for oak if they must.
Yeah, what Carl said >>> atleast I think ??? I've never seen bagworm on Yew (that is a Yew in the pic ?). School me up in what to Google so'z I can learn about it, K.???
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  • #15
I've been too busy to get the Bt (OH! I'll add it to today's errand list)...OR...look at this little bugger's range. Carl, I just can't imagine that you don't have them down there, you're not that far away. (edit: quick look at Wikipedia's info puts it in your neighborhood, too, Carl...but you'll have to slow down long enough to look for them)

I picked off about 2 cups worth yesterday, looked closer and there ARE some of the smaller ones so they are definitely still active. Even saw one with his head out of the bag chewing away on my pine tree. He's no longer with us.

We always cut down a cedar tree from the farm for Christmas (we meaning they, I hate touching them)....the bagworms would always be hanging from them in varying amounts depending on the year it seemed....but they were all dead. I would never think to look close out in the field and with all their clever camouflage I just saw them when they were pretty much 'done' and hanging there.

TC, here's wikipedia's take on BAGWORMS...but just google "evergreen bagworm" (there's also another variety, not 'evergreen')...there were lots of hits. You might want to put in the keyword Michigan to pull up some local info.