Anybody use Marvin poles?

FWIW The Best poles I ever bought were neither Marvin nor Jameson. I believe they are Seymour Smith or Snap-cut-I bought them from American Arborist Supplies About 20 years ago and they still work-though they aren't my primary poles-They ride on the bucket truck & stumpgrinder rig. They don't mate with Jameson Poles but work great with their own ferrules.
I've been using Marvin poles now for about 5 or 6 years, after using Jameson for another 5 or 6. I can't tell the difference. According to the mfgr's, they have the same wall thickness, the same inside & outside diameters, and make the couplers from the same kind of aluminum.

Neither one seems to stand up to the chip truck though.

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