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  1. MasterBlaster

    intentional barber chair

    It's all good.
  2. MasterBlaster

    intentional barber chair

    Daniel, now you're beginning to make me frown. Do/say/post what you want, but do not disparage the "experts" here. We have more than a few...
  3. MasterBlaster

    intentional barber chair

    That brought a tear to my eye...
  4. MasterBlaster

    intentional barber chair

    Here's how to embed videos; 1) Do NOT copy/paste the page url. 2) Click the "share" button - a embed button will appear underneath/to the left. 3) Scroll down and click the "embed" button - a blue highlighted address will appear. 4) Copy/paste THAT address in your post. However, attempting to...
  5. MasterBlaster

    intentional barber chair

    I'm telling you... What I did that day blew my mind!
  6. MasterBlaster

    intentional barber chair

    You dang skippy!
  7. MasterBlaster

    intentional barber chair

    Me? I was just a hired gun. If it woulda fell on the house, I woulda been driving back home!
  8. MasterBlaster

    intentional barber chair

    They went exactly where the skidder pulled it. No problemo!
  9. MasterBlaster

    intentional barber chair

    I swear I would have never done it. I wanted to put a small facecut, but he said no. All three trees were leaning heavy over an expensive home. I'd never take that chance, but it worked perfectly!
  10. MasterBlaster

    intentional barber chair

    I worked with a guy once who pulled three big leaning pines back over against the lean and I didn't put a facecut in it. I'd have never done it on my own, but he wanted me to do it like that and he took all (it was his treeco) responsibility for it. I climbed about halfway, rigged a pulley so...
  11. MasterBlaster

    intentional barber chair

    Wot's the big deal?
  12. MasterBlaster

    intentional barber chair

    But I'm good once as I ever was!
  13. MasterBlaster

    intentional barber chair

    Hey, I'm not as good as I once was...
  14. MasterBlaster

    intentional barber chair

    I'm missing something here...
  15. MasterBlaster

    intentional barber chair

    I could handle being the Trumpster!
  16. MasterBlaster

    intentional barber chair

    Until it takes an eye out! :lol: ;)
  17. MasterBlaster

    intentional barber chair

    That would have been a good post if you'd never hit the 'submit' key.
  18. MasterBlaster

    intentional barber chair

    Because it was there?