
Ed L

Sep 28, 2007
Front seat on the struggle bus
Mother nature left me with this mess 2 weeks ago. Need to get it cleaned up.
I'm thinking to cut off, hook the tractor to it so I can lift it up slightly, pull it down the driveway. It's angled enough I don't think it will roll to the left, house is 25' away, I'll set a line to prevent it just to be safe.




If you're that concerned, climb up one of the supporting trees and tie off the top of the snag. Then come down and let a groundman lower the top as you pull the bottom out with your tractor. If you don't have a second person available then just take about 1-1.5 wraps with the lowering line to provide some resistance but still allow you to pull it out.
Ewww. That is one ugly tree. I vote for setting it on fire and watching it burn.
Nasty. No way I'd even hazard a guess as to how I'd handle it from pics alone...gotta be there to really know the stuation, most especially in a case like that one.
She is so pretty she looks like Ben Franklin and a few at that. Kind of hard to tell from the pics but I have a few ideas.
Did it have termites or carpenter ants in it? The picture makes it look like it has galleries in it.
From a certified tree risk assessors standpoint, I believe I would reccomend removal, probly go 11 or 12 points there:drink:
I may be mistaken but was always under the assumption that we in the northern states are not blessed with termites .Of course we make up for that with an abundance of carpenter ants .
Well to be quite truthful I never figured why in the world a freakin ant would have the hots for fresh sawn hickory .Annoyed me to no end .I killed the whole mess with Sevin dust in a water sprayer .I'm tellin you I'm either going to get a pet ant eater or an ardvark. Freakin ants would drive me crazy if I wasn't already there .Mumble grumble .:(
I'm tellin you we lose a lot of them to ants .The damned things only have to gnaw out about 1/3 of the base then a big wind comes along and down it goes .

They are just about like rot,you can't tell by casual observation .Looks good ,a few days later it'e either hung as a leaner or down with the wind .
Another thing about ants .On occasion it seems that more than one colony can invade a tree .

Last summer I made a post of tripping about a 90 foot ash that got done in by EAB .Had to blow the top in order to save a young walnut .Two colonies .One, top twenty foot down and one bottom .Two distinct types of ants to boot .
How good is the tree behind it, that has the three-way crotch? I'd be inclined to set a rope through that crotch, and a running bowline up around the tree to come down and through a porty, then cut it oh so gentle to lay into the line and hang there, then cut sections off until a tag line in the top can direct the remainder where you want it to go.

It's my preferred solution in tight situations IF I have a substantial enough tree to hang the affected one out of... (and there aren't rampant ants in that one too!)