Sugar Bonking

Old Monkey

Mar 9, 2005
I just went out to do a little yard work, neglecting to eat lunch before hand. Then as I'm working my hands begin to shake and I feel light headed. I came back inside and have eaten but still feel shaky. It seems so much easier to do this now that I am older. Anyone know any good things to eat to get back to normal? I had chicken teriyaki and now I am going to have an orange.
orange juice, one of my diabetic friends crashed a couple times when I was around, the orange juice or apple juice was the go to thing to get him back from the brink of seizure and/or coma. Scary to see someone get that way.
Darin, have you ever had your blood sugars checked out?. Paul is right. Stick to the juices it's quickest for absorption or and according to my wife Graham crackers and milk. Sounds like low blood sugar from not eating. I get that once in a while. Damn! sucks getting older.
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I've gotten blood tests a couple of times. No sign of diabetes.
Protein is always your best bet. One slice of whole wheat bread, peanut butter slathered on, bread folded in half.

Protein keeps your blood sugar at a steady level. Sugars cause spikes and then you crash. Everyone always says to eat or drink something sweet. You're only gonna crash again after consuming it.

I have hypoglycemia and keep my protein levels up and don't have any problems. A day or two after I get off my protein, I start having crashing spells. Eating every 3 hours (5-6 small meals/day) or so helps tremendously. It's all about keeping your energy levels up.

Keep your protein levels up and simple sugar levels down!
Forestryworks, who's name I don't know, sorry, is dead on in my book. Avoid sugars, reduce carbs without fiber and buffer it with protein. You rarely have trouble getting enough carbs in America.

I'm a big believer in the Zone type of diet, where insulin release is minimized.

Juices without the fiber of the fruit will absorb quickly, and you'll have to drop insulin into your bloodstream.

Juices might be the first stage antidote for a sugar crash, but FW advice is to prevent the need for an antidote. IMO, second stage antidote is going to be a balanced meal with nearly equal CALORIES from carbs, protein, good fats.

PS, I used to get sugar crashes. Coffee in the morning without food, suppressing your appetite to start the day might make you feel good to go for a while, but its almost always best to have some water, a balanced meal soon after getting out of bed, and coffee is okay. (Coffee is a weakness of mine at times.)
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My six pack a year habit is getting the best of me.