Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser


Island Girl
Mar 22, 2005
Silly thread, I know, but this product REALLY works. If you have any marks on your walls this product will get them off. John was ready to paint the foyer but the painter could not get to it till after Christmas.(John hates to paint) My daughter recommended this Mr. Clean and man it cleaned up the walls like new. No need for a painter now.
It is. The Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser is this weird plastic "sponge" that isn't actually a sponge that grabs everything on a surface and whups it.
My brother owns a branch of They restore houses that have been damaged by water, mold, or fire. They use those sponges (a different brand that is a lot bigger and cheaper) to clean smoke residue of surfaces in homes. They kick ass. They make machines that detect smoke residue and after you wipe with that eraser, the machine registers zero or sometimes a .001 (insurance companies require readings below .1).

I give them a thumbs up, too. But Mr. Clean should give you a little more for your money.

Be carefull with it, it will take the color off of some things (tile floors).
Great product. I agree, they're too pricey though. I tried the 'generic' type now out....they didn't do anywhere near as well.

REALLY does well on door gunk. I did the same thing, Gigi. Just inside our main door is a 'half-bath' (bathroom w/ just a sink and toilet.) It was painted light yellow so it shows all the oil/grease/dirt that was ever on a hand. BUT....after I used the magic eraser....decided I didn't need to paint after all, I liked that!

CAUTION: I didn't wear gloves that first time and it really irritated the skin on my hands.
Now here is another thing that works just dandy,hand cleaner with citric acid.I don't know how it works but it does.Peels the crude right off .Believe it or not,WD-40 does a fair job also.

I relly don't know how we survived before duct tape and WD -40. Of course back then we had kerosine and bailing wire.
My Grandfather swore that WD - 40 sprayed on his knee's relieved his arthritis.
My Grandfather swore that WD - 40 sprayed on his knee's relieved his arthritis.
Actually so did my dad.He also used medical grade DMSO ,a solvent that contained mercury.It is used in the industrial version as a souped up solvent or in the medical version to treat race horses.Not approved for human usage.

Now that I think about it,that might not have been a good idea because the old man was done in by a form of dymensia.:O
I relly don't know how we survived before duct tape and WD -40. Of course back then we had kerosine and bailing wire.[/QUOTE] the only reason you know about duct tape, is because of red green-----admit it
Actually so did my dad.He also used medical grade DMSO ,a solvent that contained mercury.It is used in the industrial version as a souped up solvent or in the medical version to treat race horses.Not approved for human usage.

Now that I think about it,that might not have been a good idea because the old man was done in by a form of dymensia.:O

DMSO. Ah, what memories. Weird, wicked stuff. I used it in the lab, helps things pass through cell membranes if I remember correctly. Tiniest drop on your skin and your pee will stink of garlic for the rest of the day. I learned to wear gloves ALWAYS.
DMSO. Ah, what memories. Weird, wicked stuff. I used it in the lab, helps things pass through cell membranes if I remember correctly. Tiniest drop on your skin and your pee will stink of garlic for the rest of the day. I learned to wear gloves ALWAYS.
In industrial applications it is used as a solvent .That's the stuff with the high mercury content .I sometimes still wonder if that's what did in my old man.:(

Some of that stuff is weird,cyanide leaves the taste of almonds in your mouth.You can breath it,ingest it or it can be absorbed through your skin.If you get the taste you're already in it.I got the taste just once while working in a chemical plant that made hydracynetic acid.I got the 'ell out of Dodge.:O
Silly thread, I know, but this product REALLY works. If you have any marks on your walls this product will get them off. John was ready to paint the foyer but the painter could not get to it till after Christmas.(John hates to paint) My daughter recommended this Mr. Clean and man it cleaned up the walls like new. No need for a painter now.

I use them in the fiberglass shower and tub. I can not figure out how they work so good. Doesn't smell, don't need gloves, don't have to rub hard, you just wipe and it comes clean about ten seconds after wiping.

I was trying to figure it out, so I just set the sponge on a dirty part, and it didn't work, so you do have to wipe, but wiping hard doesn't seem to make it work better.

I just can't figure it out.
QUOTE: Magic Eraser is a cleaning stick made of melamine foam. Melamine is a resin used in construction and the automotive industry as a sound barrier and flame retardant. It also imparts strength and is used in such products as dinnerware and laminate counter tops.
The eraser is moistened with water so it adheres slightly to the surface to be cleaned. (Mr. Clean likens this to licking your finger when you turn a page.) Then it is rubbed over the spot or stain. The water breaks down the product into a microscopic polymer abrasive that grabs dirts in the spaces that a regular sponge or brush can't get to.