Mail Just Came: August TCIA Mag: Chris Girard


M's, Juniper's, Lowen’s, and Inge’s Grandpa
Mar 9, 2007
Delaware, East Coast, USA
Check it out: Nice article starting on Page 22 of the Tree Care Industry Association Magazine for August 2012...
by Chris Girard.

Nice article Chris!
Just read it, great article Chris! When is the article about cutting techniques for crane use coming out? :)
Just read it, great article Chris! When is the article about cutting techniques for crane use coming out? :)

Thanks bro, I still haven't read it damn mail is slow (except for my bills). Glad that you liked it. I think that others my be working on the cutting techniques artricle, but I have a great article with a lot of useful info as well.
August is a good issue. Nice to see some familiar faces with Chris and Reg Coates in the same article. Keep up the good work and spreading the knowledge!
Everybody wants to come up with their own unique viewing program instead of using what works. I can't read it, either. :thumbdown:

Congrats, Chris! Wish I could read it.
Same here.

You guys don't have a function in your keyboard to zoom? Sheesh, get a mac. I still couldn't read the ANSI requirement for attachment to the crane ball. :/:
The zoom function in my browser won't work on this PDF type page and there is no tool function to zoom. But it makes a cool swishey noise when you flip the page. :roll:
If you mouse over there is a zoom in and out, if you can't get that to work click full screen, bottom of page rhs and you can zoom in and out there as well.

Digital Arbor Age works the same.