Job Briefing/Hazard Form


Jul 31, 2014
Hey y'all! I am looking to update my employer's Job Briefing/Hazard Form. Would any of y'all be willing to post a picture of yours on here. I have worked for several companies and each of them had different forms and I liked something different about each of them. I bet I could learn a lot from your forms as well. If you have any commentary on what you like about your form or what you keep on meaning to add to your form please speak up.
Never heard of that. Interested to see what's out there
Here is the form we used in the US Forest Service. Seems to be loading sideways...sorry about that. Always followed up, if the super was keeping to protocol :/:;), with a daily "tailgate review" to remind the grunts what was what.

jha.pdf (

Does have a rotate button, I see.
I suppose one gets used to it but my brain would melt having to deal with forms like that, even if they are useful or make sense. They read like legal indictment.
Kabir424, what are you starting with, can you share what you are using now? Maybe it would spark some discussion and ideas to modify it.
I suppose one gets used to it but my brain would melt having to deal with forms like that, even if they are useful or make sense. They read like legal indictment.

They are a legal document. Insurance people suck
Everyday And every time you change job task not covered by that briefing.

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