Hows this for cheap?

Dave Shepard

Square peg, round world.
Oct 28, 2007
Alford, MA
I bent the tube and shaft on my FS250 last winter. (Backhoe vs brushcutter :roll: ) I took it apart tonight, and straightened the shaft. The tube snapped when I tried to straighten it, no surprise there. So I'm going to end trim the tube and weld a new piece on the end. $10 bucks for a piece of 6061 and a few minutes with the TIG.:lol: Think it'll work?:/:
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Oh, it'll be straight, I've got the worlds simplest tube repair jig, an angle iron. Clamp it, tack it, weld around the tube. We'll see if I can still stack up those dimes. I can get a 6' piece of tube from M-C, but I'd have to price a new tube to see if it's cheaper. I'm all about the scrounge factor, if only on principle.:D
Can't remember what I paid new for one few years back... Probably a bit more now so pricey I am sure it would be.. Less so as long as you did not bend the actual shaft or insert. I only had to buy the tube at the time as someone kinda dropped a limb on it:/: And No it was NOT moi!
I say what the heck, give it a shot . You may end up with a functional unit, if not you will have the experiance and only be out $10:lol: Cheaper than going to college.