Copper is a misunderstood (except for the market) tool, and it doesn't have to be only in the scientist's domain.
Even rather than manufactured supplements, burying a coil of .14 gauge (no varnish) along with the rootball helps in amazing ways. Even pennies hold more value as a fungicide than money. I'd call this a cultural adjustment. It's all in how we judge ourselves as civilized or not.
It's been the fundamental componant of fungistatic and cydal controls for centuries, and more recently (since big Ag-business consists with big energy bizzies) is still the compound (raped in many forms) of all the major fungicidal treatments (for both plant and human protocols). It's just presented in differing marketing forms for us subconcious purchasers / the better looking and more expensive the bottle, the more apt we are to buy it.
Again and as always, the pH of the root zone is step ONE in diagnostics, subparted "B" by symptomatic presentations of the plant. If creeping upward, reduce down and add additional micro-elements that have been bound by the higher pH. No need to target the pests, they're just a symptom and like medicine, if you ask a doctor he'll sell you something.
I think as important as any one person having a personally-available medical file on hand (so an assigned physician can properly figure your problems out), we should have soil records for areas of our concern and responsibility - they're changing very fast now yet the news isn't quite ready for us to be ready to accept that. Hating the word Holisitic 'cause industry taught us to, modifying the soil to treat a plant disease isn't no different than infusing saline into our veins to correct dehydration post haste. Other than compost, seeds, plants, manuals and tools - garden supply stores, nurseries, and ag-service centers should sell nothing except the right information and old-fashioned American-made real leather work gloves.
Scarify copper wire, bury it as a you would scions, pour cider or white vinegar suffucient to wet it down 2 inches deep and wait for simplistic reality to work. Or spend $450 a quart for some high-tech noxious toxic shit and hope for the best - just wash your hands and change your clothes before screwing--up some innocent's life.