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  1. woodworkingboy

    Tennis Elbow

    I get that too, with big saws and when using older type ones that have poor av. It's kind of disconcerting, for a short time I get to wondering if the feeling is going to come back.
  2. woodworkingboy

    Tennis Elbow

    Yes, and only with a light weight.
  3. woodworkingboy

    Tennis Elbow

    MB, a clarification from my friend on those exercises to strengthen your arm. Don't lift your whole arm like I earlier posted. Hang your wrist off the end of the table, and flex it up and down, both with your palm up, and down, holding the weight. You want the rest of your arm to remain flat...
  4. woodworkingboy

    Tennis Elbow

    I was able to contact my friend, and he described the exercise he uses: Sitting at the table with your elbow in a unmoving position, grasp a light weight in your hand (one-two lbs.), and flex your arm slowly up and down, to about a ninety degree bend. Do this with both your hand facing down...
  5. woodworkingboy

    Tennis Elbow

    Sorry, have ben attending to pressing affairs, will call him today. May not be until monday that he can be reached.
  6. woodworkingboy

    Tennis Elbow

    I called my friend up, the tennis player physical fitness guy. He said that rest is important, and cooling it with ice or a cold patch, try not to put any strain on it. Anti-inflamatory cream can help for immediate relief, a prescription one or a good over the counter type, but it's likely to...
  7. woodworkingboy

    Tennis Elbow

    Maybe when your needle guy gets back from his conference.....
  8. woodworkingboy

    Tennis Elbow

    What you get from tennis, isn't it the same thing? Over use of the tendon, or something?
  9. woodworkingboy

    Tennis Elbow

    I'll call my tennis playing friend and ask him, I remember him complaining about it last year. He's a tennis playing fool, hasn't missed a morning on the court in like twenty-five years, and also a health fitness nut, so he should know of any treatments.