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  1. squisher

    Crane removal virgin

    Exactly why I would do it. Jk'ing. Mostly around here it's conifers, I can see it being advantageous to ride the ball drop in, hook up, drop down, cut er loose. If I gotta work my way up from the bottom then I may as well start a rigging fest and rope everything down. Also it seems like the...
  2. squisher

    Crane removal virgin

    Nope. I'd have to dig up the regulations but I hunted a few people down at the ISA conference that was held up here a few back and it was pretty clear no climber hooked to the crane as life support. Plus none of the crane outfits here will allow you to do it, I've asked. There are a couple of...
  3. squisher

    Crane removal virgin

    I was gonna say it all depends on the set-up/situation I would think. But yah as a groundman you just need tot be jonny on the spot with landing, unhooking, and processing debris. I've done very little cranework myself, picks once only but have hired the same crane a few other times to use his...