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  1. brendonv


    Wood is like crack up here right now, worth more in wood than chips. I am just trying to prevent bringing it to my house, then I end up moving it, splitting it, then it sits, then rots, then I just give it away in spring. I ran across this person and they are willing to pay, and it's close...
  2. brendonv


    I'm just trying to figure out how much I can get. Thinking 14 trees, 8" + diamter wood, no longer than 8'. Couple hundred?
  3. brendonv


    Is there anyway to estimate how many cords of split wood would be in log form. I am trying to give someone a price on wood in log lengths from 14 trees I have to do next week. I already found someone to buy the woodchips, now I think I found someone to buy the wood, all within 10 minutes of...