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  1. RegC

    Lightening Struck Madrone removal.

    yes, to better spread the load between the two rigging points. And thanks again.
  2. RegC

    Lightening Struck Madrone removal.

    The boots are Italian I believe. Chainsaw padding, steel toe and a metal plate in the sole. Very good for spurs yes, although hot and heavy. The husky comes into its own when working hard in bigger wood. On a job like that its barely warm with all the start-stop and just to making little cuts...
  3. RegC

    Lightening Struck Madrone removal.

    Thanks guys:thumbup: SRT is great for lots of things Rich, but not much to gain in this instance. Madrone is a lot like a can run your line over several limbs and not incur a lot of friction. I am just walking around the tree on spurs so no use for pantins etc. But I think the...
  4. RegC

    Lightening Struck Madrone removal.

    Apart from connecting the two biners together thus making a little more room on your D attachment, it doesn't really help. You need to put more weight in your line to get the hitch to move and keep moving, unlike having the hitch and the climbline attached separate....especially if you're using...
  5. RegC

    Lightening Struck Madrone removal.

    On a tree like this its probably safer Ben, that's the main incentive. Thanks
  6. RegC

    Lightening Struck Madrone removal.

    Not a huge tree but a sketchy one to rig. Signs of armillaria too throughout the basal cavity. Glad I got the worst part done before it got windy later in the day....and glad I dont weigh much. I mixed up the rigging through zip-lining and lowering. Had the groundworker stood as far away as...