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    Fallen Brother! The Kristian Schultz Donation Thread!

    Hey Kristian, not trying to sound like a jerk, that isnt where this question is coming from, but didnt you know that you were doing something wrong? I ask this because a friend of mine maintains that we ALWAYS have a warning before we get it. Last year I fell 37' when a pin came out of an...

    Fallen Brother! The Kristian Schultz Donation Thread!

    mines in the mail, still think we shoulda got somebody to match us......

    Fallen Brother! The Kristian Schultz Donation Thread!

    I was thinking that if we all pooled the loot we could even hit a couple of folks (Tobe Sherill) and see if we can get them to match it. They make their money off tree guys and it would be great PR for them (and tax deductable) to hand out a check.............If we could get a vendor to match it...