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  1. Jomo

    Must Mankind Beat Something to be Healthy?

    Good stuff Jay. Jomo
  2. Jomo

    Must Mankind Beat Something to be Healthy?

    Despite 40 years having gone by since attending Pop Moore's judo class, I still remember him shouting wasari once I'd thrown an opponent somewhat successfully, and eepon when I'd thrown and pinned my opponent correctly, indicating the match was over and I'd won. The interesting thing to me...
  3. Jomo

    Must Mankind Beat Something to be Healthy?

    The whole reason that judo has always been more appealing to me, unlike karate etc? It allows you to subdue your opponent without doing them serious harm, no blows need be used at all. More a matter of balance n leverage, and using your opponent's momentum to your advantage. IMO it should be...
  4. Jomo

    Must Mankind Beat Something to be Healthy?

    Should be an interesting test of big pharma's clout in our U.S. Justice system whether they drug test these two teenage murderers and publish the results as quickly as they published Sandra Bland's testing positive for pot? I'd bet money they were both on some form of SSRI's...
  5. Jomo

    Must Mankind Beat Something to be Healthy?

    The latter Jay. The terrible two's are all too familiar to most parents. Teens raising hell's nothing new under the sun either, and hormones are an inherent aspect of teenage life. It may sound callous and uncaring, but in my opinion training dogs and training teens are not that dissimilar, in...
  6. Jomo

    Must Mankind Beat Something to be Healthy?

    That's funny Stig, as both my Dad and judo instructor were very strict disciplinarians, my Dad with his belt, and Pop Moore with his Korean baton! Pop Moore pretty much founded The American Judo Association after WW2 I've been told. Jomo
  7. Jomo

    Must Mankind Beat Something to be Healthy?

    I began this thread describing my own hyper activity as a child without having Ritalin stuffed down my throat by the public school system, as happens to tens of thousands' children today. I found outlets for my aggressions, like beating sumac bushes apart with a baseball bat, wrestling n judo...
  8. Jomo

    Must Mankind Beat Something to be Healthy?

    I gather you'd frown on letting your grade school daughter get into pillow fights when her friends spend the night Jay? Might lead to uncouth n savage behavior later in life? Jomo
  9. Jomo

    Must Mankind Beat Something to be Healthy?

    The life of Karen Carpenter's one of the more subtle examples of the phenomenon I'm speaking of here. Happy as Brair Rabbit in a briar patch while beating her drums n singing, but uncomfortable when deprived of those drums and coerced into the spotlight of center stage to sing only. I've no...
  10. Jomo

    Must Mankind Beat Something to be Healthy?

    Both my sons work for Sony, as game testers n trouble shooters prior to each new game's release, and despite being immersed in the gaming culture since grade school age? Have no violent tendencies in real life whatsoever, at least comparatively speaking to their old man's childhood and young...
  11. Jomo

    Must Mankind Beat Something to be Healthy?

    I'm of the opinion that the vast bulk of these mass shootings are perpetrated by kids n adults flying high on anti psychotic drugs, SSRI's. Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors. Doctors and the courts like to push them on youngsters, with deadly results. You can bet the dude that shot the...
  12. Jomo

    Must Mankind Beat Something to be Healthy?

    My belief that folks have an inherent need to get their aggressions out in some form or another's reflected by society in general IMO. Football's a gloriously violent example, the boxing ring's another, including the audience cheering on whichever fighter they want to win. There's even an...
  13. Jomo

    Must Mankind Beat Something to be Healthy?

    Apparently more than just frustrated teens feel the need to bust stuff up occasionally. Jomo
  14. Jomo

    Must Mankind Beat Something to be Healthy?

    What results from encouraging a young child's natural talents and abilities, liberally? Note the VW Van grill in the back ground, so subtly denoting a liberal hippy up bringing? Jomo
  15. Jomo

    Must Mankind Beat Something to be Healthy?

    No, never made it past orange belt in the rankings. But it's something that I've never forgotten, and used against opponents to great effect, be they bouncers, bullies or cops. They all went to sleep like little babies. But once in actual police custody downtown? I've had the snot beat out of...
  16. Jomo

    Must Mankind Beat Something to be Healthy?

    Heck no, a public park at a weekend softball game, when a bunch of muscle bound punks flyin on PCP tried to muscle in on our game. At first I played the southern gentleman and just choked him off till he passed out, but the dude was a bull, an ex marine who recovered surprisingly quickly and...
  17. Jomo

    Must Mankind Beat Something to be Healthy?

    I've witnessed the blood thirst and frenzy of a large crowd of people cheering on two guys beaten the snot out of each other. To my shame I gave them what they wanted and broke my opponent's nose, but their cheers of approval once the blood was flowing sickened me, and made me want to break...
  18. Jomo

    Must Mankind Beat Something to be Healthy?

    Absolutely, but a much wider variety of sports and physical activities. A menu broad and deep enough to encourage natural attributes any of the children may have. I was the only child in the family fortunate enough by coincidence of time and divorce proceedings, to throw off Mormon strictures...
  19. Jomo

    Must Mankind Beat Something to be Healthy?

    Today's public schools have taken the physicality out of their curriculums, and children who quite naturally struggle against these confinements into things cerebral and orderly, at the expense of things physically challenging, results in drugged up obese children who all get merit awards for...
  20. Jomo

    Must Mankind Beat Something to be Healthy?

    For me as a child making the transition into my teens in a large family, competition between the 8 sons was fierce, as was family discipline for misconduct as dispensed with military regularity by my Mormon father with his belt. He took no joy in the procedure, and there was never any doubt that...