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  1. Bodean

    Hollow tree topping - barber chair

    That's kinda what I thought. Great graphic Gary.
  2. Bodean

    Hollow tree topping - barber chair

    Gary....Just another thought. One should generally set up the off side of the back cut first. Starting the backcut on your side first started the kerf to open and forced you to either chase the cut or bail early leaving a thick hinge. Also if the wires were on your left , one shouldn't leave...
  3. Bodean

    Hollow tree topping - barber chair

    A bigger notch or more back cut, either way, less hinge...especially on pull trees. If I found brown cubicle rot in the center with good rind, so be it......It wasn't like you were falling it.....more like prepping for a big pull.
  4. Bodean

    Hollow tree topping - barber chair

    Dang Gary. It's always a little un settling to see massive cavitation and destruction in a place you were just sitting in. But, you knew what was up..... a deeper notch probably would helped make the hinge smaller....thick hinges on pull trees can Barber. I wasn't there and you...