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  1. Ax-Man

    290 Morbark

    I went up and got my chipper back from the dealer. It goes up on e-bay tommorow. Sunday I'll take $ 5800 for it, less than what I would like but I need to sell this now with winter coming and hardly any worthwhile work coming in. I need to cover my bases in case this is going to be one of...
  2. Ax-Man

    290 Morbark

    Steve , yes, the chute does swivel. The asking price is $ 9,900.00. I have the final say so for a lower offer. The link to the machine and phone numbers is Just click used equipment and go down to the used 12 in. chippers. I swiped their pics and posted them here...
  3. Ax-Man

    290 Morbark

    Not trying to be elusive, but I would rather have someone contact the dealer and go from there. I am just providing a short cut so to speak if someone just happens to be looking for a chipper like this one in Illinois area. Heck of a way to sell a piece of equipment. I know. But they have gone...
  4. Ax-Man

    290 Morbark

    Oh heck I might as well see if I can find a buyer for my chipper also. 92, 290 Morbark, 4 knife disc, Cummins 4 cyl diesel with turbo, dual feed rollers. The machine is in good shape. I have kept up with this machine while it has been in my care. The biggest thing was a having a...