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  1. Spellfeller

    trunk integrity?

    Stephen, are you saying that if it doesn't give at the root plate, then it's okay to climb...? Since my neighbor is willing to cover the first $180 of the lift rental, I think I'd be a bit nutty not to go that route...not that you can put a price limit on avoiding a fall to your doom! :|:
  2. Spellfeller

    trunk integrity?

    Truth be told, Fiona, I'm not 100% that "John Q. Public"--as opposed to a business with trained workers--can just waltz in and rent from the vendors we're looking at. We'll soon find out! If it turns out we can, I'll be darned sure to check level, wear a fall-arrest harness, helmet, etc...
  3. Spellfeller

    trunk integrity?

    Thanks, guys. Alas, there is no tree close enough to rig off or use as a TIP. Sean called it; we're going with something like this 50' towable job: We have at least three trees we can get with this thing; so it should pay for itself quickly...
  4. Spellfeller

    trunk integrity?

    Howdy, peeps. Here's a (low-res) video that I hope is somewhat helpful. The exposed/bark-less wood gives a nice solid sound, but the punk stuff that breaks out looks a lot like Scott's rotted Aleppo... (Pardon the "Froggie went a courtin'" voice; I've got a pretty good chest cold...) <iframe...
  5. Spellfeller

    trunk integrity?

    Will do. New Tree House T-shirt! :thumbup:
  6. Spellfeller

    trunk integrity?

  7. Spellfeller

    trunk integrity?

    So, Rich, you bore in vertically on the side where the backcut would be? What are you looking for? Basically good chips?
  8. Spellfeller

    trunk integrity?

    Where would you recommend boring, Sean? More than one place, i.e., take multiple samples? Likely only NCR. No negative loads.
  9. Spellfeller

    trunk integrity?

    All my spur climbing on it has been "low & slow," Willie. Just testing and getting the feel for my climbers... EDIT: I DID climb it DdRT once before and it felt okay. Again, I may just need help overcoming inexperience with tree assessment...and the voices in my head...not THOSE voices!
  10. Spellfeller

    trunk integrity?

    Hi, all: Here are some pictures of the next victim's base. Soundings with an ax seem okay. No hollowness detected. Is this degree of decay concerning? Certainly if it were a recreational climb, I'd keep looking. There is no alternative TIP either. North side of the tree Closer view, with...