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  1. stig

    Topping Harms Trees

    I came across this spectacular pruning job on some birch trees, and thought I'd take a picture for y'all. Notice how they show a professional touch by making the top cut slanted, so rainwater can run off and the tree won't rot. And then the other side of the coin: 3 Linden outside a school...
  2. stig

    Topping Harms Trees

    Maybe we should start a thread as a special place where you two can sit and hit each other over the head. We can probably find a quiet corner for it somewhere.;)
  3. stig

    Topping Harms Trees

    Guy,it is somewhat species related. Being European, I don't know shit about Pecans, but you could do the purple cuts on a linden and not get any significant rot. Probably on a platanus as well.
  4. stig

    Topping Harms Trees

    Szajer, I took the time to repond to your post about the origin of pollarding by making a rather long historical overview of the true origin. To this you felt the appropriate response was to make a ridiculous and unfunny attempt at a joke. That was what I lashed out at, not your original post.I...
  5. stig

    Topping Harms Trees

    Remember, Europeans aren't as homophobic as you Yanks, so go right on:P All the body oil turns me off, though.
  6. stig

    Topping Harms Trees

    You know English isn't my native language, Ed. Is passive agressive the same as being a whiner?
  7. stig

    Topping Harms Trees

    Are we trying to have a serious discussion, here, or are you just interested in trying ( In vain, I may add) to be funny? I put some effort into my post regarding your somewhat vague ( putting it mildly) understanding of the origins of pollarding and this is your answer. Grow up, dude, and...
  8. stig

    Topping Harms Trees

    A couple of things. I'm too polite to use the word "Bullshit", so I'll just say you are not quite right. BTW, if you really want to piss all the European members of the forum off, just keep slinging the term: "EU" around like you are doing! Pollarding and it's close cousin, coppicing, has been...
  9. stig

    Topping Harms Trees

    You and me both, Ed. I just "Vistapruned " a birch today after work. Took the top out and nibbled a bit of the branches. In a few years it'll be rotten and ready to fell, so what. Birches are weeds in the woods here, I kill 1000s of them with the saw and brushcutter every year.