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    lets see your wood splitting systems.

    Nick so where's the splitter?? Jay I think its great that they try so hard to get those folks a job. A lot of self worth can be derived from simply working .

    lets see your wood splitting systems.

    Man I would hate to think what that thing costs:O

    lets see your wood splitting systems.

    ED that is a super nice system there, however I still prefer mine as that on you still have to pick up the pieces and it seems limited to the size wood that I usually chip:lol:

    lets see your wood splitting systems.

    Al thats what Im talking about! I love to see homemade splitters, mine has a 16GPM pump also but has a 10 HP diesel Yanmar clone engine. I can fill that whole 16x7x 2.5' trailer with 1 tank of fuel, about 1.1 gallons!! Here it is in action <iframe width="420" height="315"...

    lets see your wood splitting systems.

    Jack, you must gain a lot of satisfaction from just looking at that shed and knowing you are "set" for the winter. I used to love splitting by maul when I was younger but cannt do it anymore. I really enjoy the new splitter though! Ill post a movie soon. So come on fellas post up your set ups!

    lets see your wood splitting systems.

    I like that conveyor B. if I was going to split wood to sell I would get one. IMO timbers are the way to go for the deck as you dont have to worry about hitting it.

    lets see your wood splitting systems.

    Heres my log fetcher, FWIW Woody actually does a good job at this and seems to enjoy it:)

    lets see your wood splitting systems.

    Stig, you burn a fair amount of wood don't you?? Is your back still in good shape?? Cannt imagine how after a life in the woods.

    lets see your wood splitting systems.

    look at the back of the log cutting deck, see the bi-directional blade?? Heres a better picture of the actual splitter ATTACH=CONFIG]49663[/ATTACH]
  10. PCTREE

    lets see your wood splitting systems.

    OK figured it might be interesting to see how folks are getting their wood split. Im assuming we will see young bucks with a maul all the way to completely mechanized processors. Heres mine, I really like using this as I had gotten to the point where I couldnt split wood any more as my back...