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  1. Mick!

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    So the purpose of the boat is to damage the ship? I thought they wanted to take it in tact to ransom it? I think these guys were speaking Russian, sure this isn’t a Ukrainian drone boat?
  2. Mick!

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    intense stuff.
  3. Mick!

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    It’s interesting, I’m sure that techniques used migrate over to the real working environment. I am sure those guys make a decent buck doing it as well. I watched a climbing comp once, really skillful guys getting around a tree really quickly, lightfooting it to the end of branches to ring a...
  4. Mick!

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    I like the smashed up Lamborghini scene.
  5. Mick!

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    Not at all, I just lose interest in films after 2 hours. I am a big movie fan as it goes.
  6. Mick!

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    I just thought it was too long, I got bored and turned it off.
  7. Mick!

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    Some amazing stuff there.
  8. Mick!

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    I knew it!
  9. Mick!

    The Official Random Video Thread! A video (that I’ve only watched the first few minutes of) of the mechanics and techniques of fighting with a knife, by William Fairbairn.
  10. Mick!

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    Don’t think it would last long on rusted/stiff nuts.
  11. Mick!

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    Not everything is about politics and conspiracy stuff, we’re trying to look beyond this for once. People were stupid in 2000 you know. The rise of the internet and everyone’s addiction to it? Decent call.
  12. Mick!

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    There go your jobs, I’ll be long retired or dead by the time those can replace me. It’s interesting to ponder what the future will bring. Lets go back to 2000, what would an individual transported from then to now, a quarter of a century later (give or take) think was the most astonishing thing...
  13. Mick!

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    She is smoking hot, this is the reason I have watched the vid several times. I will not be taking questions at the moment on this.
  14. Mick!

    The Official Random Video Thread!

  15. Mick!

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    I have seen a dog and a fox doing just that. Plus, when we were football training the same fox would sit behind the goal and chase the ball when we missed (it got a lot of exercise!) It was a a time when rabbits were plentiful and easy to catch, so he had a lot of time to find new hobbies and...
  16. Mick!

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    I understood they don’t set seed in the UK.
  17. Mick!

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    It would have to passed numerous tests and stuff and had certification before it was legally sold in the US.
  18. Mick!

    The Official Random Video Thread! Worth it.
  19. Mick!

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    I’ll look at the bobcat vid tonight. looks interesting.
  20. Mick!

    The Official Random Video Thread!

    My BiL has 2 Cane Corsos, they are his 3rd and 4th. Not trained at all, absolute bloody menace. His fault.