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  1. flushcut

    Tree felling vids

    He who shall not be named.
  2. flushcut

    Tree felling vids

    Maybe he tied into the ladder.
  3. flushcut

    Tree felling vids

    Not too many EAB dead ash left in my area. Thank god!
  4. flushcut

    Tree felling vids

    I had one last week kinda like that but I wasn’t close to it. It was a dead ash leaning over a garage and heavy head lean towards power lines. Not a big tree by any means (14” at the stump) and we had near ideal pull angles. Set some tension on the pull line to hold the tree, faced it up, made...
  5. flushcut

    Tree felling vids

    Is that a peacock talking in the background?
  6. flushcut

    Tree felling vids

    I don’t know but I think the property was damaged. lol Padding log was just about useless.
  7. flushcut

    Tree felling vids

    “Not enough dirt! Saw it right off” Anybody know this movie? ^ I’m not sure but was that an elm? Bigger notch at a minimum.
  8. flushcut

    Tree felling vids

    Yeah but you know some jackass watching this is going to think how cool it is and want to try and do the same thing.
  9. flushcut

    Tree felling vids

    I kind of go by how much is it going to cost if things go sideways. In the video the left a large long stub, bad ju ju waiting to happen.
  10. flushcut

    Tree felling vids

    If there was damage your insurance company might think differently plus any fines the municipality decides to add on. Possible loss of reputation and or business license with the municipality. Then there’s the inconvenience you brought to the neighborhood by adding a new pothole that didn’t...
  11. flushcut

    Tree felling vids

    Code for the frost line is four feet minimum in my neck of the woods for residential water lines and eight for main lines. But dumping that tree on the road is very hackish, it would have done better if the canopy were still on, softer impact.
  12. flushcut

    Tree felling vids

    Damn firewood guys pre splitting their wood.
  13. flushcut

    Tree felling vids

    Ten more guys and they would have had it.
  14. flushcut

    Tree felling vids

    I’m guessing he didn’t evaluate the situation.
  15. flushcut

    Tree felling vids

  16. flushcut

    Tree felling vids

    I would think a mag wedge would good in a bucking situation.
  17. flushcut

    Tree felling vids

    I am guessing it was the handled mag wedge. A magnesium wedge with a handle, sort of, for driving wedges but can still be used as a wedge.
  18. flushcut

    Tree felling vids

    Yes the visual sucked but it’s the KaBooom that makes it.
  19. flushcut

    Tree felling vids

    Just listen!
  20. flushcut

    Tree felling vids

    Yeah lots wrong with that one.