picture uploading issues are returning


Sep 6, 2006
central Florida
For the last day or two I've begun having some difficulty uploading pictures while using IE. The uploader page will hang up and go blank. I've tried switching to my Google Chrome browser and the upload still hangs up but eventually completes, allowing me to post the picture.

Just posting this as a 'heads up' so when somebody mentions it in a month, the reply isn't "oh, it's been like that for a while".
I used to be able to upload 5 at a time...now have to upload one at a time...tedious. It's been that way for a LONG time now.
What Pantheraba said. I can live with it but its not gone away for me. I even installed a legit copy of windows and goofed around with settings etc. once in again I get the 404 error but its been reasonable when I try the one at a time deal.
I can post multiple at once.....but only upload 1 at a time....same as Gary
me too, sorry if my post was confusing, upload one at a time, multiple per post works.
its just annoying. used to do 5 and hit upload, then id type my post while they were loading
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The 'big' deal (it's not a big deal but it's an issue nonetheless) is that it's not working correctly. It hasn't worked correctly for a long time, and it varies in the level of nonworking. I'm only posting this to announce that the level of nonworking has racheted up a notch in the last couple days.

But it's your forum and you don't have to fix it. We will probably still participate regardless of how broken you allow it to get.
I'll bet if we all chip in $10, Butch will get it fixed right up for us. :/: What do you say? I'll go first. ;)

$10 donation coming your way Butch.
I arent crying about it. it is a bit of a hassle but then again, the Hamas arent shooting rockets at me so its relative right? :)
I can only upload one at a time here also since I came here. And I had some issues the other night. I thought it was just my server. I think It may be the forum server now as I can pull other stuff up waiting on the forum to up load or refresh. But I still am betting my money on a combination of server issues ;)
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Why do ya'll assume I can do anything about it? Donation or no donation? WTF?

Not knowing exactly how it all interacts, I'll assume that it's either an issue with your server or a configuration issue with your vBulletin software. You seem to enjoy playing with settings, so it's not inconceivable that you have reset some settings in such a way as to create a conflict. Since you are the only one with access, it's not like any of us can fix it. My recommendation would be to locate and recruit a vBulletin expert for tech support and to comb over the forum to find and address configuration issues.

You also said a couple months ago that you were going to change server companies. Any further news on that, or has that been shelved?

Odd, I've never done that. I choose a pic, then upload it. I don't see what the big deal is...
And it's highly annoying how you insist that any method other than the way you do things is unneccessary and irrelevent.
You seem to enjoy playing with settings, so it's not inconceivable that you have reset some settings in such a way as to create a conflict.

I "seem to enjoy playing with settings..." WTF are you talking about? I haven't touched anything since I can remember. You're an ass to assume something like that. :what:

And it's highly alloying how you insist that any method other than the way you do things is unneccessary and irrelevent.

Far be it from me to alloy you.