Super Win NYG


Tree House enthusiast
Aug 23, 2008
Did y'all watch? Like it?

Good tight game. Wild, tense ending. Good job Giants and Coach Coughlin and Eli. Yeah, baaaby!!

Bogus half time show, btw
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Ha, good one.
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I'm sensing a serious lack of NFL fans here....
I dislike football. But every year I go to Ashly's parents house (football family), and somehow my damned heart gets bumping. I'm there to eat, but I gotta admit I've been paying attention more and more each year.

Good game, from what I can tell. :|:
Great game, I was for the Giants until the end there, when the Patriots let them score that touch down, I liked the way of thinking there and if not for some dropped passes, they would have had it. Brady kept his cool, but it seemed some teammate didn't fare so well there in the end.
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I've always liked football, played alot of cream the carrier in the back yard. Good times.

RD, you think the Pats let them score that TD? I know its possible they did but I couldn't tell for sure. If they did let them score, that's an incredibly ballsy move by Belichick. And it didn't work.

The tension at the end was incredible. IMO, that's why people love sports so much, why it is a multibillion dollar industry, because its a microcosm of life, it's life distilled down to a 60 minute contest, with a clear cut result of success or failure.

When you are involved in sports, there is simply nothing better than winning, and nothing worse than losing.
It was a good game, but the Pats made too many mistakes; starting with giving up a safety off the bat. Too many miscues in passing... then blowing a timeout on a challenge that was already shown on the big screen as a catch in bounds.

Oh yeah Cory, definitely believe they did. A very clear lane opened up, with a back up plan of pushing him in. They talked it over and the logic was sound, a full minute to get a TD or 20 seconds to get within FG range. Like I said, if not for some dropped passes that drive, it was a good call. It was the unexpected thing to do and it almost worked.
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Brady did his part but the receivers didn't
watched most of the first half, not much of the second. Wife doesnt understand what "heres $20, take jr to the mall for a couple hours" means. :) lol
I wasn't thrilled with our defense, but then... that's been an ongoing issue all season, too.
I watched a vid of the half time show. I was trying to view it from what might have been the perspective of Madonna's ex husband, so I might be biased. i thought that the whole thing was ridiculous, and a poor reflection of American tastes in art and music. Has anyone ever been to a good long running Broadway play? Now that is talent.
Brady did his part but the receivers didn't

Yep, thats what I'm thinking. Think it was the first or second pass of the drive, even though it got tipped slightly, still shoulda been caught I think. Would have put them on the 50 I think with 40 something second and the first down.
What WAS the half-time show?

I was dead serious earlier. I had no idea the SB was today, this week, or even this month. I just didn't inherit the sports/ hunting genes.
It was nice of Bradshaw to cover the spread with that last TD that he wasn't supposed to score. Works for me. :D
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She was awful. On the net, people seem evenly divided between she stunk and she was great. I was wondering why she was there in the first place cuz she's so 10+ years ago and no longer relevant, and would the typical NFL fan ever be likely to be into her? She's 53 and wore huge heels and stumbled on steps during the performance. She's prob in better shape than alot of 53 yr olds but she looked kinda rickety up there trying to dance. The whole thing seemed plastic and soulless, and since it was all lip synched, why not just put up a screen and show a whole prerecorded performance. The show ended when she disappeared in the smoke of an explosion and then "world peace" was written in lights on the field:?

It's just a SB halftime show but it's interesting to ponder what product people come up with when millions of dollars are spent to trying to capture many more millions of dollars.
Good one Terri. I watched it at a friend's house in Pebble Beach. I didn't care who won but was kind of rooting for the Patriots, only because the Giants are from the same town as the yankees. Letting the Giants score the touchdown was a brilliant, though desperate move. I have never seen that, and wouldn't have thought of it. Kind of like fouling in basketball to stop the clock. Funny how the running back tried to stop at the last second and had too much momentum, falling into the end zone on his back in the fetal position. What amazed me was how the Giants dominated the lions share of the first half and went in at halftime behind.