Happy Resurrection Day!


May 10, 2013
Gulf coast, NW Florida
Pilate told the Chief Priests and Pharisees, "You have your soldiers, now go make the tomb as secure as you can". He didn't say "make it secure". Even with members of the most elite fighting force in the world guarding it, I believe Pilate had his doubts as to whether any man could keep Jesus from doing what He said He would do. If that was the intent of his statement, then he was absolutely correct. He is risen!
Lutheran church had an Easter egg hunt for the kiddies and a brunch. They also sponser the Girl Scouts Lilly is involved in. The Methodist church is what I was brought up in and is Grandmas church where the kids have about been raised with.
Katy wanted to try it out, our pastor at the Methodist church tends to be a bit dry and I need caffeine in large quantities to get through it.
Lilly was all good, friends are there. Seth... kinda whatever. Me, been there done that. Levi, not happy, just not his church.. Funny to watch each reaction.
Personally, I am a mix of stuff. Raised Christian. I explored a lot of belief systems. Science wins and will probably explain a lot more in the universal scheme of things that will touch on what people perceived in forming religious beliefs.
Happy Easter.
Happy Resurrection day Ya'll !!!

Wife and me went to Bayside Church on Friday night for up beat loud music and a message of hope in a mixed up world.

So much evidence from Egypt with Joseph the start of the Nation of Israel, Exodus with Moses to the Nuweiba beach crossing site (Yam Suph) to Saudi Arabia the land of midian, wandering in the desert for 40 years, from Jabal Al Laws (Mt. Sini) to Cannan to Jerusalem to the death on the cross for life to all who believe in him!!! Risen!!
He is risen...He is risen indeed!

I thank God every day for the fact, and that my foundation is with HIM, unshakeable, immovable, forever.
I like the "Jesus kills the spider part...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Y7spb5fP_Bg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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"TETELESTAI" - translated it is finished, actually means so much more. Priests would examine animals for blemishes before they were sacrificed. If the lamb was faultless, perfect, and acceptable, the priest would say, "TETELESTAI!" When a promissory note, a deed or a debt was paid off, the word "TETELESTAI" was written across it. When a Roman citizen was convicted of a crime, and thrown into prison, a "Certificate of Debt" listing all his crimes was nailed to his cell door so that passersby would know why he was behind bars. When the prisoner had served his sentence and was released, the indictment was taken down from the door and the judge who had put him in prison would sign and write across it "TETELESTAI". Thank you Lord for paying my debt in full!