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  1. treesandsurf

    Atkins Diet

    Genetics, more than diet and lifestyle, plays the most dominant role in whether a person is 'skinny' or 'fat'. jp:D
  2. treesandsurf

    Atkins Diet

    Or take it to the next level - the caveman diet: I try to watch my carb intake but it's tough. I find when I'm working a lot I don't focus too much on my diet I just pound whatever is convenient. When I get some time off I think more about it and...
  3. treesandsurf

    Atkins Diet

    Shit. I've got to keep footlocking for practice. jp:D
  4. treesandsurf

    Atkins Diet

    Lookin' good, MB! I bet you don't get as tired when you're climbing either. I try to run about three to four days a week (4 miles each time) around Diamond head. Gonna have to up that though when I stop climbing so much. jp:D