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  1. squisher

    I learned a lesson today.

    Heh. A 250xp with any of the motor options in the higher hp range(mine had 140hp Deere) are a seriously capable machine imo. I regularly fed mine with a mini-skid/BMG grapple combo and it would devour anything that could fit in the opening.
  2. squisher

    I learned a lesson today.

    They're unbeatable for directing traffic from above. Lol.
  3. squisher

    I learned a lesson today.

    The comm units are worth twenty times their weight in gold(heh they're light). Not only in terms of safety but productivity and professionalism as well. Except for when everyone's busting a gut from the banter(often about the customer or a lookey loo) that's not as professional looking. But man...