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  1. squisher

    To pay, or not to pay

    To me the issue isn't just I'm a cheap ass and don't want to pay, the issue is an accord was struck between Willie and the employees and then after the fact the employee tries to change this agreement based on his opinion that the course should be mandatory? No. To me that's like when a...
  2. squisher

    To pay, or not to pay

    I'll just have to let it go. Lol.
  3. squisher

    To pay, or not to pay

    Well is the class mandatory to do the job that this guy is hired for? If not, then the terms agreed to should be honoured imo. Paying out wages for courses and paying for the course can cost a employer a lot. Obviously if Willie pays this fellow everyone else that went to the course is...
  4. squisher

    To pay, or not to pay

    No pay, what an asshat for asking after agreeing to the terms clearly laid out beforehand.