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  1. ruel

    treehouse tree care

    Do those actually work? That would probably make it <12" before hitting granite there. Was thinking drip snaked all around trunk. How would you check infiltration rate?
  2. ruel

    treehouse tree care

    First full year on site for me. Tree was def infested with caterpillars last spring prior to treatment. Root zone looks dry even in wet spring weather. Probably recommend extending irrigation to cover this tree
  3. ruel

    treehouse tree care

    We've have a defoliating caterpillar, browntail moth. Pretty close to 100% defoliation in may/June a few years in a row. coupled with drought 3 years out of past 4. stemic injected last year. Mostly the moths fault, luckily the population dropped last year. Structure was actually really...
  4. ruel

    treehouse tree care

    This oak has suffered major decline. Cut back to live wood, and want to save it. Any care/ preservation recommendations? irrigation? Fertilizer? Cuts to promote suckers? What do y'all think? #notmeinthetree