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  1. lxskllr

    The axe thread

    My main experience with softwood is yard spruces. That means branches top to bottom. They're virtually unsplitable. With enough determination you can get them apart with wedges and a maul, but then all you have is smaller spruce. It isn't worth the work. Split them with a saw, or don't bother.
  2. lxskllr

    The axe thread

    A lot of the clever northern European solutions wouldn't work over here. This axe, the tire retainer, probably some other stuff. Birch rounds almost qualify as dimensional lumber. Every piece is about the same as the next, and it splits like a dream. Try that stuff with a 30" piece of knotted...
  3. lxskllr

    The axe thread

    My Helko's 24". That length feels pretty good to me for a general purpose axe.
  4. lxskllr

    The axe thread

    Longer handle is harder to be accurate, and it takes more room to swing. Also less comfortable for me to single hand it. I don't like choking up on long handled tools. Every striking tool I regularly use is on the short side. They range from 'kinda short' to 'extremely short'.
  5. lxskllr

    The axe thread

    I've sharpened a mower blade once in my life just to see what it would do. I thought "Pft... Whatever...", and never did it again. I already resent the time I waste shortening grass. I'm pretty sure a piece of rebar attached to the motor would cut acceptably well for me. Speaking of stupid...
  6. lxskllr

    The axe thread

    I've seen the screws in videos, but have never seen one in person. They do look super sketchy.
  7. lxskllr

    The axe thread

    I was in the consignment shop last week and I thought about that book. They had an axe in there with three moving parts :^D It's one of those axes that have cammed levers in the cheeks, and are supposed to making splitting easier. I almost bought it cause it was in pretty close to new...
  8. lxskllr

    The axe thread

    I found this head in the woods at work... I think it belonged to George Washington! :^P It's a cool thing for a decoration. I just went outside to get wood, and it was on the pile where I put it. Time to bring it in, and once it's dry, I'll brush it off, put it on a shelf, and someone else...
  9. lxskllr

    The axe thread

    The yellow one is a light splitter. It would make a decent wedge banger. I like a sharper blade though. Sometimes it's nice being able to cut, and I limb with an axe sometimes, just cause. Thinking back on it, I might have been pushing the unloved axe hard trying to mushroom the poll to get...
  10. lxskllr

    The axe thread

    That needs more love than I can give it. That's my 'It's better than nothing' axe I keep in the truck. It has a cracked eye, and the handle was off another axe I replaced the handle on. The eye got cracked cause I bought it years ago to use for work, and the steel was a little hard, so it...
  11. lxskllr

    The axe thread

    I don't think I have a perfect wedge banger yet. I don't really do it enough to know exactly what I like, but if I were to grab my favorite axe for the job, it would be my light Helko forestry axe. It's the one on the far left...