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  1. flushcut

    Sarah takes 6 hours to paint a fence and John takes 12 hours to paint the same fence.

    The guy that can't keep up with a girl. Slow AF! Dude needs to go..
  2. flushcut

    Sarah takes 6 hours to paint a fence and John takes 12 hours to paint the same fence.

    I think John should be fired. He is clearly the anchor.
  3. flushcut

    Sarah takes 6 hours to paint a fence and John takes 12 hours to paint the same fence.

    It takes Sarah 6 hours to paint the first fence while John is half way thru the second fence. Sara is twice as fast as John. 6+6=12 man hours so it counts as 6 actual hours with one half of the second fence remaining. Sarah will have half of that fence finished before John finishes half of the...
  4. flushcut

    Sarah takes 6 hours to paint a fence and John takes 12 hours to paint the same fence.

    12 hours. Sarah will have it painted while John is drinking beer tending to the smoke house listening to the game and hanging with his buds.
  5. flushcut

    Sarah takes 6 hours to paint a fence and John takes 12 hours to paint the same fence.

    It depends what Sarah is wearing? If she is wearing next to nothing and Sarah is warm for his form the fence may never get finished. If she is dressed like a nun the fence may get painted in record time.
  6. flushcut

    Sarah takes 6 hours to paint a fence and John takes 12 hours to paint the same fence.

    Was (I've ran out of vocabulary) Jim helping? Interesting text edit.