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    Best Resources for Learning SRT?

    I can’t speak for any individual persons body because we have all adapted to different things to some degree. I’m just sharing some science I’ve learned from becoming a trainer. On the nature of feeling thirsty, as soon as your mouth feels dry, that’s not a warning that you are going to be...

    Best Resources for Learning SRT?

    On the nature of water and srt. Something else to consider as we approach the summer is to consider your method of water intake when in the tree and having a chest harness on. I’m looking at camel backs and other hydration packs and some of them would interfere with different types of chest...

    Best Resources for Learning SRT?

    Very true Kyle! Great point. There are four different electrolytes our body uses to absorb water. Our body can recycle electrolytes but once they are used or expelled through sweat we have to replenish them. My hot summer routine is to always have an electrolyte drink. Whether that be a...

    Best Resources for Learning SRT?

    Your diet is what helps you get through that. The national average of water an adult male should intake is 120 oz (just under a gallon). We work much harder than the average male. Glad to hear you are sustaining yourself well but let’s be honest. Some people can drink a case of beer a day and...

    Best Resources for Learning SRT?

    Sean I don’t see exactly what is going on there. Is that for self rigging? Ruel did you stitch that yourself or just found the right length loop runner?

    Best Resources for Learning SRT?

    That’s what I have been dealing with treesmith. Only bruising on one of them so far. seankroll, as long as I can climb out far enough to take them lightly I would but in this particular scenario I notched it and did a very slow back cut trying to give the hinge a slow chance to go. I was tired...

    Best Resources for Learning SRT?

    One of the guys would know how to help me and I guess black out isn’t the right word to be using. Maybe something more like “instinct overtaking thinking.” When those faster rides takes place it’s been too abrupt for my brain to keep up, so it’s like my mind isn’t there, just my instincts. After...

    Best Resources for Learning SRT?

    That’s what my hope has been burmy. That eventually I’ll be so adapted to that sway that it won’t be an issue at night anymore

    Best Resources for Learning SRT?

    It normally only happens from me in tree work when it’s a ride hard enough that there is no conscious thinking of what is happening but a subconscious sudden reaction in preservation of life. Only after when I come to that I realize what happened. When I got slung on the skinny leaning tree...

    Best Resources for Learning SRT?

    Thank you all. Day one with the 5 trees felt great but I have a weird “still moving” feeling after getting out of the tree. So every time I go for a decent ride or how the first day I got slung, I’ll be laying in bed at night and my body will still feel like it is getting swayed around in the...

    Best Resources for Learning SRT?

    Great point, I didn’t think about that. Better to go with the ride then get ripped apart between two different stems. If I tied in to the other tree I would have had a high enough anchor point to get all the way out to the tips and take it in little pieces instead of the whole top and going for...

    Best Resources for Learning SRT?

    Thank you all for your input. I’ve been climbing for almost 2 years but I am climbing more than I ever have with this new company. The two times I have got slung by the tree was one time with a new ground guy. On a wobbly sweet gum and he didn’t let it run. Spar Kicked back at me so hard that it...

    Best Resources for Learning SRT?

    Will do! Thank you all once again. I’ll be sure to ask more srt questions as they come along. Random question. How often do y’all drop enough weight that you go for a ride that slings you hard enough to pull your spurs out the tree?

    Best Resources for Learning SRT?

    Sounds like saka is the winner. Do you keep the “stiff tether” on your new saka or did you take it off?

    Best Resources for Learning SRT?

    Makes good sense, for those of you that have used both. Would you pick the haas or the saka? The newest saka is very modular and seems like that could be “too much.” Any advice between the two?

    Best Resources for Learning SRT?

    didn't realize the stiff one had metal in the bottom. does seem kinda weird, wish the soft one had a ring on the top

    Best Resources for Learning SRT?

    Definitely liking the stiff step links cursedvoyce. I was looking at the 4srt floop but the one you recommended seems much more secure and consistent

    Best Resources for Learning SRT?

    So here is my new bridge idea for the hitch hiker. Considering it twisting when trying to hand tend it (without a pulley) and the side plate friction during a limb walk on a pulley. So the petzl swivel would go straight to my bridge then the notch rook would be connected to the other end of the...

    Best Resources for Learning SRT?

    like a skid steer or excavator?

    Best Resources for Learning SRT?

    I’m excited to see how it changes the work flow. Never used one before