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  1. Stumper

    Dynamic Rope--Jumping

    Sean. I am NOT saying that the rope is not damaged by repeated shock loading. I was and am saying that the test is designed to standardize an extreme stress situation so it does not represent maximum useful life of a rope, rather a standard of comparison to other ropes and a minimum...
  2. Stumper

    Dynamic Rope--Jumping

    Sean, Actually I think that Nick is more correct than you....but what you say MAY occur. The real meaning of the fall ratings is almost univerally misunderstood, The ratings are based upon a standard test in which a dummy load is dropped into a specific length of slack line routed over a...
  3. Stumper

    Dynamic Rope--Jumping

    Jay, That qualifier at the end is superfluous and overly restrictive. The guy was nuts.
  4. Stumper

    Dynamic Rope--Jumping

    Ah, Greenhorn beat me to it. Moray if you don't know about Osman then you should read up. Stuff like 900 foot free falls.......ultimately to his death.