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  1. RegC

    I have a confession to make...

    I'm putting off the inevitable, probably, Justin. I've managed well enough for 28 years though. I like being a member here, but in general I've never been comfortable at the thought of being part of a group or organization that gets led this way and that. Much prefer to be a loner and make up my...
  2. RegC

    I have a confession to make...

    It's true Willie. Many of them used to hire me for jobs they took on, but couldn't do themselves....pruning and removals. I have nothing against CArborists....until they start inflating it's signicance as a bigger achievement than what it actually is.
  3. RegC

    I have a confession to make...

    I have a certificate in Arboriculture, and numerous other chainsaw and climbing certification....but only because my hand was forced at the time, for insurance reasons. Not involved with the ISA, and hope the day never comes thay they get to take any money from me. Many of the weakest and worst...