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    Thoughts on treework prices nationwide

    Im not a personable person and can by no means kiss ass so I do best by offering a service that lots of times no-one else can provide. I always do what I say for the price that I quote but really dont want to hold your hand through the process, Ive been soscial distancing for years

    Thoughts on treework prices nationwide

    if you have that much work buy a crane. They really arent that hard to operate aand will really double your productivity. I used to shoot for $5K A week, I did $5500 today by 1 and that isnt unusual

    Thoughts on treework prices nationwide

    I always wanted to be everyones best friend! gave most folks great prices and didnt stick it to the rich Too much. After last year I decided to do like everyone else does and just make as much as I can short of gauging folks. In the span of maybe 5 years since I bought my crane I have quadrupled...