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    Disposing of wood

    Carl I have been looking for property but it is pretty expensive around here. Anything close to town is going to be $1ooK per acre. I thought about making a huge rocket stove type incinerator that would have say a 6' dia tube 15' deep as the fuel chamber. Light it in the fall and let it burn...

    Disposing of wood

    No big wood is preferable and makes the bed last longer. Im wondering if I couldn't even charge for the service! Right now though I just need to get rid of shit tons of wood

    Disposing of wood

    OK for years now I have had a big fire in the winter when it snows, however due to increased volume of work we are producing a lot more wood and the burn site I have leased is not going to renew my lease. In my area there are no Biomass incinerators (crazy) and no large mulch operations who will...