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  1. Limbrat

    Hunting 2014

    You're right Jim. The young man I was trying to put on a hog finally got one. I'll try to get some pics posted and start a new one.
  2. Limbrat

    Hunting 2014

    Yea, those dingbats cling to those outdated, antiquated, old school things like family, freedom, personal rights, personal responsibility, limited government and even the Constitution. What a bunch of kooks!
  3. Limbrat

    Hunting 2014

    No, if they're dangerous, kill them all!:evil:
  4. Limbrat

    Hunting 2014

  5. Limbrat

    Hunting 2014

    Jay I wasn't concerned about about me or the store being robbed, I was wearing when I drove up and saw no need to disarm. You don't see it that often these days, but nobody's alarmed in this area when they see a gun in a public place. Probably 70% of the population here hunts and there is no "oh...
  6. Limbrat

    Hunting 2014

    As a teenager I wore a sidearm for shooting snakes when I went fishing and thought nothing of walking into a store with it on. Nobody ever gave me a second glance. Armed robbery, kidnapping and the like are virtually nonexistent here because thugs know that the odds are good they'll wind up in...
  7. Limbrat

    Hunting 2014

    I thought these were interesting trail pics from October. The water came up at one of my deer feeders but it didn't slow the hogs down. Pretty amazing how they find the corn on the bottom in muddy water. The woodies liked it too. The year is a little off!
  8. Limbrat

    Hunting 2014

    Took a young man hunting today for the second time in his life, (I took him last week for the first time). He desperately wants to take a hog and last week it was right at dark and a little too late for an ethical shot when some finally appeared. We were driving in today and spotted a couple of...
  9. Limbrat

    Hunting 2014

    As far as I know, New Zealand has no "large predators" except us. What a paradise!:P Y'all hold down the fort here, I'll be in the woods for the next few days, with all this predator/prey talk, a primordial urge is rising up in me to fulfill my role in the grand scheme of things and be what I...
  10. Limbrat

    Hunting 2014

    Boy they are thick Smitty! Just west of Selma for the most part.
  11. Limbrat

    Hunting 2014

    At least you can eat a diller! I hunted 'Bama in the 80's and 90's and there were armadillos by the gillions. A friend's bulldog would crunch them like potato chips. They were brought into Florida from Texas back in the early 1900s and spread from there in the southeast.
  12. Limbrat

    Hunting 2014

    To your point and mine Stig, I don't want to exterminate anything and I definitely want some around to keep the city slickers on their toes. Everything has it's place and I enjoy seeing predators just like anyone else, after all, I am one. Coyotes were introduced here in the 70's. We could...
  13. Limbrat

    Hunting 2014

    My Bro-in-law grew up in Penn's woods and has many stories from trapping 'rats to the orange throng on opening day of deer season. Nothing like watching a really good, well trained dog work Chris. I grew up when wild bobwhites were everywhere. We shot snipe, doves and ducks too but rarely had...
  14. Limbrat

    Hunting 2014

    I'd probably be offended if I knew what that meant, but being the country hick that I am I'll just keep eating venison, shooting 'yotes and let you graze and get chased by large predators where sheep and cattle used to live;)
  15. Limbrat

    Hunting 2014

    Before anyone sheds any tears over a coyote, watch this. I see wild animal-pet-people confrontations all the time and it's amazing how distant a lot of people are from the reality of nature. They stomp a cockroach, an ant or a termite and think nothing of it. In fact...
  16. Limbrat

    Hunting 2014

    Coyotes are out of control here. I think fawn survival rate is very near zero this year. A few more years of this and whitetails will be in real trouble in our area. The Game Commission sits on their hands as usual. Steel traps are illegal and they won't issue depredation permits for wildlife...
  17. Limbrat

    Hunting 2014

    Been hunting our lease for the last several days. I saw a couple of bucks I should've shot, looking back on it now. One 3 or 4 year old with a 14 inch saber on one side that went straight up, no bend at all. He had a rack on the other side and good mass. Another old swaybacked palmated buck but...
  18. Limbrat

    Hunting 2014

    I'm not about to elevate one animal's moral value above another's. A roach, a rat or a whale, they are all animals. Blow up a covey of Chihuahuas though and you'll end up cell mates with some bad dudes. Even though we have a large hog population, I don't hate hogs, I like to hunt and eat them...
  19. Limbrat

    Hunting 2014

    Yep. Waisted a little meat with that shot.
  20. Limbrat

    Hunting 2014

    Good for them! I wish Florida would adopt Maine's laws. I had a big boar bear in my driveway a couple of nights ago, woofing and threatening me. No fear.