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  1. FireFighterZero

    Regarding Covid

    Good to see you! Gonna buy an XR 200r this weekend. Always think of you when I get around bikes.
  2. FireFighterZero

    Regarding Covid

    I bet I have the "long" version.
  3. FireFighterZero

    Regarding Covid

    Especially the mitigation efforts that were harmful.
  4. FireFighterZero

    Regarding Covid

    I have 17 mail in ballots all ready to go for Woody Woodpecker.
  5. FireFighterZero

    Regarding Covid

    The unvaccinated pose no danger to anyone. No matter what percentage of the population.
  6. FireFighterZero

    Regarding Covid

    Talk of the federal mandate is coming back.
  7. FireFighterZero

    Regarding Covid

    Right. Just give it 2 to 3 I mean years to flatten the curve.
  8. FireFighterZero

    Regarding Covid

    Ivermectin is not a placebo. If you believe in placebo than you have to believe in spirituality.
  9. FireFighterZero

    Regarding Covid

    What? The "placebo" status of Ivermectin or the fact that Merck used antiviral data on hand to develop an antiviral drug for covid?
  10. FireFighterZero

    Regarding Covid

    Plus it was such great placebo that Merck used it to design an oral covid medicine.
  11. FireFighterZero

    Regarding Covid

    In your opinion, did the lockdowns go too far or not far enough? Should the mandates have been enforced more or less strictly? Should people have been given a choice or not?
  12. FireFighterZero

    Regarding Covid

    It's okay if he does. Some may flip out...some may not. You do you. I will do me.
  13. FireFighterZero

    Regarding Covid

    Hahaha! They already think I am a Nazi. Conspiracy theorist don't phase me a bit.
  14. FireFighterZero

    Regarding Covid

    I know the feeling. Especially since we now have a gigantic Super Spreader Event in Ukraine. Never seen anything like cept for maybe Spring Break in Florida or a Trump Rally.
  15. FireFighterZero

    Regarding Covid

    Who are you talking about?
  16. FireFighterZero

    Regarding Covid

    Besides...the rig operators are separate from the big oil companies.
  17. FireFighterZero

    Regarding Covid

    Absolutely. Using cash for something like that instead of cheap credit that you as a taxpayer secure would be silly.
  18. FireFighterZero

    Regarding Covid

    Oh come on....that's a cop out. Would a bank loan you the money to build a new house if your local comisar for building permits MAY or MAY NOT grant you a permit?
  19. FireFighterZero

    Regarding Covid

    Permits are not the same as production. You can have a permit and not be able to secure funding from your backers and insurance company. Especially with such a sell out administration waffling back and forth. Production is increasing because of the rising price of crude oil.
  20. FireFighterZero

    Regarding Covid

    Too little too late Brandon. First a moratorium...then a free for another moratorium. How's midterms looking?