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  1. Burnham

    How'd it go today?

    Join the club, John. Welcome :).
  2. Burnham

    How'd it go today?

    Even out in the deep rural countryside hereabouts, there are cameras galore these days. I see them on houses, barns, sheds, fences, trees. Someone not from up here in my neck of the woods known to a moderately distant neighbor of ours told the neighbor, who then told us, that he kept seeing...
  3. Burnham

    How'd it go today?

    That certainly is odd.
  4. Burnham

    How'd it go today?

    Not really. Once I got my hip healed up, and the leg muscles that had atrophied built back up, which took about a year, my increased activity level seems to have upped my metabolism enough to allow me to eat about what I was accustomed to before. I'll back off from time to time if I see that...
  5. Burnham

    How'd it go today?

    @Treeaddict When I started getting back to a decent fitness level after my hip replacement in 2012, I was at 164 pounds, 5'8". In other words, fat :). For all my adult life up until my hip began to go gunny, I'd been slim, fairly lean. Packed on those extra 20 pounds over about 5-6 years. I...
  6. Burnham

    How'd it go today?

    Well, it's closing in on 6 months since my wedding ring went walkabout. While I haven't given up hope completely, I do think the chances that it will turn up are microscopic at this point. I was at the little local jewelry shop in town yesterday to pick up a replacement earing backing for M...
  7. Burnham

    How'd it go today?

    It's a great loss if it dies :D. But I bet it won't...they are really hard to kill.
  8. Burnham

    How'd it go today? :)
  9. Burnham

    How'd it go today?

    @Kaveman, might you put a platform across the top of the bed rails for a sleeping/camp stove/rest out of the weather spot with sitting headroom, and cover the bed with an ultra-simple canopy? Maybe a set of bows or A-frames made from schedule 40 pvc and cover the whole thing with tarp?
  10. Burnham

    How'd it go today?

    Pretty spot, Stephen.
  11. Burnham

    How'd it go today?

    I guess that answers that be trollin' too :D.
  12. Burnham

    How'd it go today?

    Racoons used to occasionally steal my hanging tube style bird feeders. Hanging from a long stiff wire hook from a high tree branch. I thought I could foil them by closing the hook into an eye and using an old screwlock carabiner to attach the feeder. Racoon was able to open that and haul...
  13. Burnham

    How'd it go today?

    Jayzzus...and I used to think that working for good ol' Uncle Sam was complicated :|:.
  14. Burnham

    How'd it go today?

    It was decent enough that I actually took the Jag out for a run to the barbershop. Which from here is an hour round trip. So why did a 20 minute haircut add up to a 2 and a half hour trip??? :D I still love driving this close-to-collectible grand touring XKR. 24 years old, and just a smidge...
  15. Burnham

    How'd it go today?

    Considerably milder :). High of 51 F. today. But then we knew that :D. People who decide to live in Pheonix deserve what they get :P;).
  16. Burnham

    How'd it go today?

    We were lucky enough to get totality here in 2017. It is an amazing thing to experience. We camped out in a nice dispersed campsite on the NF, and shared the fun with another couple we are close with. It was a fine time.
  17. Burnham

    How'd it go today?

    Sounds like a big improvement in the yard, Dave. Good on you.
  18. Burnham

    How'd it go today?

    It's a great time of year; to finally be able to get outside and begin to do things again always feels good.
  19. Burnham

    How'd it go today?

    That's kinda the way it goes with me too, @Mick! Weather and time away from whatever is being hard on the joints usually helps a lot with pain. There are always the infrequent odd jolts of lightning, but lingering long-term pain does ease up if I give it a chance to rest, and the weather helps...
  20. Burnham

    How'd it go today?

    That alone seems worth the extra $25.