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  1. Burnham

    Gun cleaning

    You're right, it'll shoot with no significant impacts to accuracy, I'd expect.
  2. Burnham

    Gun cleaning

    The Game and Fish job...well, you may well recall the story of the water moccasin, the regional office program inspector, and the hole in the johnboat, no??? :lol: That was a state position, anyway :D.
  3. Burnham

    Gun cleaning

    Actually, the feds in the form of the USFS make that next to impossible unless you are an LEO. The "unless" is if you have special job might be working in bear country, which I did not. In my case it was using specialized sniper type rifles to harvest old growth grafting...
  4. Burnham

    Gun cleaning

    Who knew Burnham was a gunner, eh? :D
  5. Burnham

    Gun cleaning

    If the "dirt" is moving around but not coming clear of the barrel, then you might need to swab a new cloth one way, but not pull it...remove that cloth from the rod, replace with a fresh new piece, and pull it clear. Maybe try that two or three times. I have been guilty of not being willing to...