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  1. squisher

    Topping Harms Trees

    Than why bother doing that to it at this point? Good value for the customer?
  2. squisher

    Topping Harms Trees

    Probably just needs to be topped. Jk'ing. You could post a pic of it and get a whole bunch of advice.
  3. squisher

    Topping Harms Trees

    I don't follow the logic? It's ok to top trees because worse things are happening? That kind of logic seems to be a slippery slope.
  4. squisher

    Topping Harms Trees

    Yah? Then I lol at your comment too Ed. Good choice you made moving to biomass or whatever from arboriculture.
  5. squisher

    Topping Harms Trees

    Ahhhhhhh! Not even close!!!! I can't help myself.
  6. squisher

    Topping Harms Trees

    Lmao. I'm done ranting. For tonight!
  7. squisher

    Topping Harms Trees

    You take a nice gorgeous tree a specimen of any species and indiscriminately cut it in about half or more or less, that is topping and in no way shape or form is considered a pollard.
  8. squisher

    Topping Harms Trees

    Indiscriminate topping sucks and is brutal on trees. I get that some people do it for money. It still sucks for the tree and it boils my blood when I see a gorgeous tree destroyed.
  9. squisher

    Topping Harms Trees

    I'll put it like this. If you made 'stubbing' cuts the size of a true pollard stub cut on a mature tree? You'd have a hell of a time trying to top it.
  10. squisher

    Topping Harms Trees

    Like Jay said. To me sounds like the homeowner cut, often made upwards in a tree to about ladder height or so.
  11. squisher

    Topping Harms Trees

    Just what I said. The indiscriminate anywhere on the branch smaller cut is what I'd call a stub. Or a shot in the dark.
  12. squisher

    Topping Harms Trees

    I'd say you spoke to the initiation or planning of a pollard better than myself. True pollards are rare in my locale anyways. Topping and the crappy aftermath of a 'tree' that's left behind runs rampant though. I've cleaned up the mess years afterwards many many times.
  13. squisher

    Topping Harms Trees

    A stub if I'm reading it right? Species and further butchering dependent it may throw suckers or dieback to the next lateral or main stem. A ugly unhealthy cut not likely to heal over easily or well.
  14. squisher

    Topping Harms Trees

    The size of the initial cut. Again a pollard is started when the tree reaches the desired size/shape. One small cut is made, then every year or few many small cuts are made. Knuckles are formed. Topping is a big cut, when a tree is reduced to or past a lateral smaller than 2/3rd the diameter...
  15. squisher

    Topping Harms Trees

    You musta missed my reply to your previous post. Topping and pollarding are not the same. Not even close.
  16. squisher

    Topping Harms Trees

    Some topping that I've seen is a crime IMO. It'll never change if professionals keep indiscriminately topping because that's what the customer who usually knows squat about trees wants. I let customers know in as nice a way as possible that unless they have some sort of experience or education...
  17. squisher

    Topping Harms Trees

    A pollard is started when the tree reaches the desired height/size. Topping is when you reduce back past a lateral 2/3rds the diameter of the stem being reduced. Topping is brutalizing a tree if there's no justifiable reason for it. Pol larding is a viable pruning/management options. Point...
  18. squisher

    Topping Harms Trees

    For real? Knot eye.