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  1. Thor's Hammer

    Independence Day

    I didn't forget Stig, I just thought I wouldn't labour the point. But since you asked... The Russians lost 10 million military deaths, and 14 million civilians. In perspective, they lost 13% of their population defeating the Germans. I think we only faced 30% of the German army on the Western...
  2. Thor's Hammer

    Independence Day

    Sorry Brian, no hating intended, I just cant help but tease sometimes. My apologies if my pedantism came over the wrong way. Forgotten the French then? Continent dude, continent ;) Nope, Britain had beaten off the German invasion in summer and Autumn of 1940, and had reversed the tide in...
  3. Thor's Hammer

    Independence Day

    Nope. The British government dropped multiple taxes against the colonists, simply because the colonists didn't want to pay. They were so keen to keep the colonists happy, they'd just drop them. Even when the British army fought off the French for them, and the colonists then refused to pay a...
  4. Thor's Hammer

    Independence Day

    Just remember, kids, while you're being inundated with all this anti-colonial brouhaha, what you're really celebrating. And that's the fact that a bunch of white, slave-owning aristocrats didn't want to pay their taxes.