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  1. Burnham

    Visit to S. Carolina included the angel oak on John's Island

    At first blush, I'd have to say the likely response would be, "get in line!" But you never know...nothing ventured, nothing gained.
  2. Burnham

    Visit to S. Carolina included the angel oak on John's Island

    I had the same thought as I skimmed that site, Brian. Hyperbole is a seller, ain't it :).
  3. Burnham

    Visit to S. Carolina included the angel oak on John's Island

    Some of the story here, Jay.
  4. Burnham

    Visit to S. Carolina included the angel oak on John's Island

    Fly Google Earth up to the far western end of the state, Willie. Not flat there.
  5. Burnham

    Visit to S. Carolina included the angel oak on John's Island

    Well, they sure don't call 'em canyon live oak in the South Carolina canyons :D.
  6. Burnham

    Visit to S. Carolina included the angel oak on John's Island

    You are probably right, the cuff from faint memory :).
  7. Burnham

    Visit to S. Carolina included the angel oak on John's Island

    Just an awesome specimen of live oak, guestimated age 1300-1500 years, quercus virginii if I'm not badly mistaken. Here are a few pics, but it's hard to capture the scale, let me assure you. I know y'all will enjoy a looksee, nonetheless.