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  1. Knotorious

    How'd it go today?

    Get that "no charges" element in writing if you can. That way things can't turn around unfavorably for you. Certainly most cop's word is their bond, but you never know. Glad you're alright!
  2. Knotorious

    How'd it go today?

    First of all, I 25% applaud you for protecting those animals. Secondly, I give you a 75% thumbs down, and a "shaking my head," for not protecting number one: YOU! I don't think anyone's going to find your post, but you might consider deleting it for reasons that should be obvious. Having said...
  3. Knotorious

    How'd it go today?

    Like this? SOURCE:
  4. Knotorious

    How'd it go today?

    You only need one anchor point for a Z-Rig, one pull strand, and one load strand, which is holding the load. Your system exhibits all three of these characteristics. That is a Z-Rig. I'm guessing the load strand is routed through some kind of pulley or ring up in the canopy so that you can lower...
  5. Knotorious

    How'd it go today?

    Don't twisted ropes make your load spin a lot or is that a myth? Nice 3:1. It's a Z-Rig. Is that another pulley where you've locked off the pull strand or is that a progress capture device? A prusik right there could be helpful for progress capture. Because the rope is being redirected twice...
  6. Knotorious

    How'd it go today?

    Nothing about my life is easy. That's partly my own fault (mostly squandered opportunities back when I was a vicious drug addict), but partly the direct result of chemical imbalances/mental illness...which, inconveniently, exacerbated my addiction, resulting in a self-perpetuating cycle of poor...
  7. Knotorious

    How'd it go today?

    ...I feel mostly pretty great...aside from the pain of overly strained muscle groups and the regret of knowing that I'm behaving abnormally, f*cking up my circadian rhythm, and engaging in real life side quests that I would normally lack the drive and motivation to perform. I have a serious...
  8. Knotorious

    How'd it go today?

    Why do any of you seem so shocked that big tech is keeping tabs on you? There's actually a setting for Google, Apple, Facebook, etc. that you need to de-select in order for them to desist from storing your voice recordings, specifically. Among various other forms of private communication. Yes...
  9. Knotorious

    How'd it go today?

    ***Nods and smiles, pretending to be engaged with this conversation, but actually deeply pondering about how the T-Rex managed to get anything done during the Jurassic period with such tiny, pathetic, useless arms.*** Anyways, I'm mostly just a useless plebian when it comes to the motorized...
  10. Knotorious

    How'd it go today?

    I used to be a bit of a hobbyist mycologist, scouring the woods for various mushroom specimens, and photographing them with a macro lens setup and interesting lighting/backdrops/composite photography. Anyways, I'm 95% certain that the mushroom on the tree in those pictures is Laetiporus. It is...
  11. Knotorious

    How'd it go today?

    Glad you're doing better.
  12. Knotorious

    How'd it go today?

    @lxskllr You may want to implant a chip into Spot at your vet. I've had one in all of my dogs, including Harry Winston, my English Labrador retriever. It has his name, my name, my address, phone numbers, etc. associated with it. Animals always get scanned when they get picked up now.
  13. Knotorious

    How'd it go today?

    Lol, "jail." Glad Spot is okay!
  14. Knotorious

    How'd it go today?

    ...tact for 2 beautiful years. She lives with her parents and they served her at home at 6:41pm GMT, so I'm sure her parents are wondering what the f*ck she did. She probably lied, but I really don't care! Goodbye toxic relationship! Knotorious has moved on to greener pastures and hopefully...
  15. Knotorious

    How'd it go today?

    *Cringes uncontrollably* You need to knock that habit out of him, @Kaveman. Also, you're doing just fine, Kaveman! You used to be pent up at your house with your ex, watching the kidlets all day, wasting your potential! Now you're out there living up to your name: the Wood Butcher, and doing...
  16. Knotorious

    How'd it go today?

    I think you should view it as a win. You were able to make a rational, but difficult decision quickly, without wasting undue time on someone you knew (deep down) was never going to work for you. I think you made excellent decisions and I applaud you for putting your priorities (yourself, your...
  17. Knotorious

    How'd it go today?

    I've been busy trying to get my move to Massachusetts in order. Still have a lot to do and I officially fly out on July 7th of this year. Very stressful, but I have to stay focused. Spoke to @Kaveman today, which is always helpful, for a couple of hours. He's a great guy and he has really...
  18. Knotorious

    How'd it go today?

    I just got back from the Scottsdale City Courthouse, where I petitioned for an order of protection (formerly known as a restraining order) against my psycho ex-girlfriend, Melanie. I arrived at a premiere time of the day because there's absolutely nobody in the courtroom (the courthouse has...
  19. Knotorious

    How'd it go today?

    Today turned out to be pretty fantastic! I had trouble sleeping, so I was up early enough to take advantage of the cooler, early morning weather on a day that was already cooler than the several days prior. This meant I could film one of my concepts for a piece of content without sweating...
  20. Knotorious

    How'd it go today?

    I had a really amazing day compared to my last week of veritable hell on Earth. I finally spoke with my father and he reassured me that he and my mother are handling the incident my ex created just fine now. He was able to speak with a lot of his neighbors that received the pictures and explain...