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  1. Nutball

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Not bad, that's a $23.39USD bill. I have had weird dreams where I reach into my wallet to pull out a $9 bill or a $52 or some odd increment. Sometimes it surprises me, other times I think it is normal and convenient.
  2. Nutball

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Is that guy just tall, or is that machine short?
  3. Nutball

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    I don't know how you use a saw on that long of a stick. I prefer the pruner attachment. I wonder if they make a limb grabber to steady the branch while sawing?
  4. Nutball

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    As long as you stop it from raining, clouds are good.
  5. Nutball

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

  6. Nutball

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Would be nice to have a grapple on the end. Maybe make it out of aluminum or magnesium to save weight.
  7. Nutball

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Just don't tip it. I could see that going wrong real quick.
  8. Nutball

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    I couldn't see the TIP as being useful for climbing or pulling. Though white oak is strong, its still oak, which splits easy if force is applied to small crotches. I had a white oak do that to me on a rigging point.
  9. Nutball

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Cool pic from an old post
  10. Nutball

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Kind of like bowling.
  11. Nutball

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Sorry, It's not a seizure, but scoring. Photo No. 12 in the attached document by Stihl. I had never heard of it either, but they should know what they are talking about.
  12. Nutball

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Snow can ruin a chainsaw by displacing the oil in the engine causing it to seize.
  13. Nutball

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Smh is the abbreviation for: shake my head. He's shaking his head in disbelief at the large amount of work you do and most, if not all, of that work is lowering wood by yourself.
  14. Nutball

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Makes me wonder if a scratcher type chain would be best in such a scenario , besides carbide, or a carbide scratcher chain. At least you could more easily lever thin dull pointy teeth into the wood than a wide dull top plate.
  15. Nutball

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    How do the chips get in the kerf on a horizontal cut? Surely you've seen chips shooting out the top front of the clutch cover and bouncing off the log. It's really noticeable when noodling, because if you don't back the power head away from the log some, so the noodles don't pile up against the...
  16. Nutball

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    That pointed gullet is just going to catch resistance. I think race chains might work so well because there's so much extra room around the teeth for chips to go. Kinda like how a hand saw plugs up easily. It rakes well enough, but there's no more room for chips to go. Those chips have to get...
  17. Nutball

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Just remember how long chainsaws have been around. As much as we like to find a better way, the better way has probably been discovered long ago. The lower the depth gauges are, the thicker the chips, which don't bend and break easily, so they get jammed in the rails really tight and also...
  18. Nutball

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Leaving it like a wall will make it harder to sever the fibers with the side plate. It's not worth trying to rake chips out better. Chainsaws have teeth and depth gauges, no need for rakers since the whole chain rakes well enough.
  19. Nutball

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Easy peasy with a flat depthgauge file and a vise. It can take 2-3 hours to sharpen a neglected one, but a touchup should be like a long saw chain. There's 4 surfaces to file on 2 sides, so it's like filing 4 teeth on a chain, flip the chain over and another 4 teeth where the drive links would...
  20. Nutball

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Strangely, race chains are designed to be more streamlined, and less rakey. Saws only get so fast. I'd be more concerned with getting the chips out of the clutch cover before they are forced through the rails and cut again.