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  1. rfwoody

    5 Foot Wide Utility Trailer?

    Thanks Cobleskill!
  2. rfwoody

    5 Foot Wide Utility Trailer?

    Kyle, it was good of you to post this personal experience of yours. I don't like working around big machinery, but I have a much respect for guys like you that do, and in who work in dangerous environments like what you describe.
  3. rfwoody

    5 Foot Wide Utility Trailer?

    ha, thanks again for your direct talk, Mr. Burnham! I guess time will tell. haha, somewhat in my defense, I used to install storm windows in my early 30's, and often worked from a ladder on 2nd story windows. Occasionally I have been near the end of my 28' ladder (with stand-offs), carrying a...
  4. rfwoody

    5 Foot Wide Utility Trailer?

    ...It wasn't as wide behind the truck as I thought it would be. (my son said I did fine/ok with it). I had almost talked myself into going against *everyone's* advice.... and getting the 5' wide trailer since it would be a smaller footprint and I would feel more comfortable with it...... but...
  5. rfwoody

    5 Foot Wide Utility Trailer?

    Thanks Scott, and Denver ........ more good info to factor in..... "a word to the wise...", right :) >>> Gravity and friction NEVER get tired, EVER. Thanks again Sean.
  6. rfwoody

    5 Foot Wide Utility Trailer?

    Succinct words of wisdom! Thanks Brian. (and sawman, and Raj for seconding) One way so far I have been outsmarting the log is with a peavy (cant hook)... and using inclined plane (2x12 planks) to roll rounds into my truck bed. Raj, I have been looking at those things in case I start seeing...
  7. rfwoody

    5 Foot Wide Utility Trailer?

    Sean, there is too much good info and advice here for me to do it justice in the time I have to read right now. You make a lot of good points.... the age thing, stregth/exersize --- the niches! --- habitat snags! (haha, the tree hugger thing). Actually on the trailer I was referring to your...
  8. rfwoody

    5 Foot Wide Utility Trailer?

    Kyle, thanks for the insights and information! I will factor all this in. But at this point (in my life) I'm not trying to make a lot of money in a heavy duty, fast paced business. I'm "ok" with the fact that I'm slowing down some and taking my time with things.
  9. rfwoody

    5 Foot Wide Utility Trailer?

    Thanks a lot Sean! This is very good and valuable information! .... and for affirming (again) about the waste handling. speaking of trailers........ my son made an observation about the wire sides. >>> per your comments.... the totally flat bed with removable wooden sides seems to be the...
  10. rfwoody

    5 Foot Wide Utility Trailer?

    That sounds like exactly what I would want to use assuming the price was right and the amount of wood and debris warranted such.
  11. rfwoody

    5 Foot Wide Utility Trailer?

    I have thought about getting one of those, but I was thinking about it for when I couldn't see out the back window, but I never priced them.
  12. rfwoody

    5 Foot Wide Utility Trailer?

    haha, good stuff!.. Those folks have a really nice back yard (woods) ... but if they have cars on the front lawn, I won't care as long as they will pay me :) More good advice about customer relations too.... asking questions of the customer.
  13. rfwoody

    5 Foot Wide Utility Trailer?

    Yeah, that's really good, Sean... and I'll definitely be looking at those tow-hitch alignment balls. Where I live seems to be just at the outskirts, "gray area", for people using firewood (not like up north where it is life and death). There are 3 main terms and there is some vagueness among...
  14. rfwoody

    5 Foot Wide Utility Trailer?

    Great advice, Merle! Since I've already compromised with this customer, and I don't have any other sales yet... I may go ahead and sell him another load for $115 if he wants it.
  15. rfwoody

    5 Foot Wide Utility Trailer?

    Kyle, how does the dumpster pickup work? ... do you just load it and that's it and somebody else picks it up and dumps it? Thanks
  16. rfwoody

    5 Foot Wide Utility Trailer?

    Sean, Kyle, Merle, and All, thanks for the great advice! Yeah, Sean, I just plan on spending a day practicing with the trailer. You are right, Sean. That is a good idea to paint the worn parts of my truck with spray paint.... and I was talking just today about getting a (e.g. magnetic) sign...
  17. rfwoody

    5 Foot Wide Utility Trailer?

    Yeah, I have done several (from the ground) removal, or cleanup jobs that took a lot of trips. Some on my own street were no big deal and not bad.... but one cleanup job was 45 minutes away and took 5 or 6 trips! ...... live and learn on that one! You sound like the kind of speed I am looking...
  18. rfwoody

    5 Foot Wide Utility Trailer?

    Thanks Kyle. I'm wondering about maneuvering a bigger trailer in small neighborhoods. For example, the job with the silver maple in the small front yard is in a neighborhood that looks as if they took a "regular size" neighborhood and reduced it in scale by 25%. Firewood to get on new...
  19. rfwoody

    5 Foot Wide Utility Trailer?

    Sean and DMc ..... thanks a lot for the photos and explanations of your trailers. do y'all ever miss not having 2 axles? do y'all have a 3000 or 3500 lb limit with your single axles ? do y'all ever haul logs and/or rounds in your trailers? thanks!
  20. rfwoody

    5 Foot Wide Utility Trailer?

    <<< removed image for space >>> That looks like a really nice setup, bstewert. I am glad to see that some (e.g. you and Sean) are using narrower and shorter trailers .... which I think I would be more comfortable pulling.... not to mention getting into tight spaces.