ZZ and chicane vs akimbo


Aug 12, 2021
looking to go mech, the zigzag is tempting since its so smooth, buy the akimbo is even more tempting because 1: its so short, 2: it works SRT and DRT, and 3: its mid-line attachable, however I do hear it isn't as smooth as the ZZ and doesn't like pitch (I don't do many pines so it'll be fine)

so far I've only had bad luck with hitches, either giving me elbow issues tending or putting me into a near free-fall when they don't set
what is everyone opinion on the two?
Sounds like you need to tune your hitches. Tied eyes or spliced/sewn?

I'd go Akimbo.

Are you using a foot ascender?
Is it tending or climbing with arms that is at the root of the problem?
I would go with neither. I don’t like the ZZ and I am not about to do their product testing for them. With that many recalls I don’t know why people still buy them.

I have never got an Akimbo to be consistent. For that reason alone it is out. When it worked it was great but then an hour later it would need the settings changed.

I would try and work with your hitches and get them dialled in. Personally I use a RRPro or one of the original RR’ers.
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I use tied and sewn hitch cords, tried hundreds of combo's and cant ever seem to get one to work, typically it runs if I use a foot ascender but sometimes does it when tending by hand

im going mechanical, not staying with hitches, the mind has been made, sorry to any hitch lovers or mech haters, the amount of times a hitch has tried to drop me 30-60ft is too high
maybe im too light (130 with gear), maybe im not getting them set right, but considering ive almost never had one work right is concerning

tried a buddy's zigzag and chicane, only issue is the length, and not being midline attatchable, trying to decide if the slightly less smooth akimbo is worth it, I suppose I will get both, run them for a day and sell the one I dont like
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and im not super worried about the zigzag recalls, inspect your stuff regularly, including WHILE your using it and you shouldnt have an issue
Contact Gordon on tree buzz or here @surveyor. Do yourself a favor and get an adjustable Bulldog Bone. Solid and easily adjusted. Smooth tending, midline attachable, and able to work past pitch spots that would lock up hitches and most mechanicals
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will be a bit before I get a mech, gotta order a set of spurs first, upgrading to 2 3/4" tree gaffs
the pole spikes im on just arent up to par with what I need, and checking with everyone in my area they all seem to run the long gaffs

gotta love climbing, go from rec climbs to work and REALLY find out what you need to upgrade asap
Hasn't been my experience. I figure I got everything I need(want), then something comes up I gotta have :^D
I rather doubt your weight is the issue with friction hitch function. My wife weighs 105 without gear, and operates with friction hitches quite well.

Have you tried a distel hitch? It's too grabby for most people, but perhaps for your specific needs, it may be useful.
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  • #11
the distel is the worst, sometimes it works, others it locks up, then it wont grab at all

it is the only hitch that has ever caused my to lanyard in and put a figure 8 on the line for a rappel
Beat me to that one by a minute, Burnham.
We start apprentices on that.
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10mm beeline, and 8mm ocean poly in a 6 wrap distel both ran on me in the last few days
have re-tied my system with 10mm beeline in a french prusik, will see how that goes soon, either later today or tomorrow, not fun 60ft up a tree with nothing to lanyard into and having your hitch run
The best hitch I ran was the knut. It was always reliable and never any issues.

My weight is 140 to 145. I've got an akimbo but have had issues getting it to work with some of my ropes. The rope runner pro at this point is doing a great job. I have not used the rope runner pro with any pine pitch ropes yet.

I also have The Hitch-Hiker 2 and it has done well.. but my go-to at this point is the rope runner pro.
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  • #16
the knut is on the better end of hitches

be interested in selling that akimbo?
The question about hitches has got me really curious too. I'm also curious as to how you can be at any height in a tree and not have something to lanyard to. If nothing else you're on the spar... you can lanyard into that, right?
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cant lanyard into the trunk with nothing to stand on (prunes, no spurs)
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say, spar pole, ropewalking up with no limbs for 50-60ft, that is when the hitches are at their worst in my experience

now, this is all just my personal experience, maybe I have bad luck, maybe I dont know what im doing (probable) who knows
Someone besides me is going to have to comment about the Continuum of hitches. I just know that the knut was always reliable as was the distal. I haven't tried uptain hitches like a lot of guys have so I can't comment on that. I'll be keeping the akimbo. Once I find the right rope for it I'll just leave it dedicated to that rope. I have some fire that I'm going to try out with it next. I'll finally find the sweet spot and once that's done it's a very nice contraption.
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tell ya what, the hitch deal might just be my rope (scion 11.5) its slickernshit, when I first got it I couldnt even use a blakes hitch on it, its slowly getting better with some hickory natty crotch tho
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not sure how this went from "what is your opinions on the zigzag and chicane vs the akimbo" to "I was born at a young age and use beeline cord in a 6 wrap distel" but ill take it lol
I'm 118 prob 125 fully loaded, Hitch Hiker and VT, beeline on Tachyon 11.5.
Hybrid, mech/hitch. Works great.
Full hitch climbing was the VT or Distel and Hitch Climber combo, waaayyyy better than air humping with a Blake's.
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