where are my glasses?


Patron saint of bore-cutters
Aug 26, 2007
A friend showed me these today.
They are absolutely brilliant for those of us who due to old(ish) age need reading glasses, but keep forgetting to bring them with us for shopping etc.

Just thought I'd pass the idea on, after trying his, I've already ordered some.

I've buy my reading glasses in bulk. 20 pairs bought in the last 18 months, maybe three pairs left in circulation.

This reminds me of the Optigrab from the movie The Jerk.
A friend of mine just got some, I tried them they are great!
I'm going to get some, I'm tired of carting around my $600 multifocals, forgetting my hard case and getting them scratched. They'll be perfect for popping into the grocery store and small stuff
You guys getting your eye pressure checked? I have to go in for surgery soon, the optic nerve in my left eye is getting fried. Glaucoma or what leads to it is no joke, and lots have it without knowing. A quick painless check tells the pressure and if any need for concern. Even infants can have glaucoma. If eye drops can't control the pressure, they be doing some cutting or burning or you can go blind. Better to catch it quick.
Thanks for the tip Stig. Those look good.

Good luck on the surgery Jay, and yes, please keep us posted. I've had 2 eye surgeries for holes in the retina and the docs fixed it fine each time.

Sucks that we have to get old. Who said that these are our golden years?
You guys getting your eye pressure checked? I have to go in for surgery soon, the optic nerve in my left eye is getting fried. Glaucoma or what leads to it is no joke, and lots have it without knowing. A quick painless check tells the pressure and if any need for concern. Even infants can have glaucoma. If eye drops can't control the pressure, they be doing some cutting or burning or you can go blind. Better to catch it quick.
Good advice Jay, I hope all goes well. I had cataract surgery about four years ago now, got to where I couldn't tell how many limbs were on a tree. Too many hours on the water and I'm sure welding was a contributor. Young and old, take care of those eyes!
It's a technical novelty. At best sacrificing a mere ounce of bulk for the convenience. Oh yeah it's cool, but are we getting so weak today that a mere ounce, in a set of reading glasses, makes such a huge sell point. It'll die like the hula-hoop.

I wonder how well they would hold up in my wallet?
When they get a bit thin on the ground we order another 10 from the Internet.
10 to 15 pairs a year disappear into the ether.
I use cheap reading glass too.
Many people around me say that I shouldn't and go with these gold priced "official" glass.
They are poorly built, way too easy to bend, optically awful. I have to rework the frame to adjust it a little better to my eyes. But they have a enormous advantage over the expensive ones : my heart doesn't break if I seat on it or drop it in the mess of my basement, in the truck (mess here too), in the dirt, concrete... you name it.

The other day, my truck's key felt under the seats. I have had a hard time to find it again (the mess, you know !) but it allowed me to retrieve a pair of glass lost somewhere many weeks ago:D
Looks like we all have several sets of cheap specs scattered about...We've got a set in the car, I have one in each of my emergency service turnout gear, there is one in each fire truck.
They are like pens...they grow legs at night and run away and hide somewhere
I tried the ones that you could (dial in the script for each eye,) and it worked (half assed) but my shit is beyond that and I gave them away.